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Joint Chief Exec Explains the New ‘Shared Values’ at Guildford and Waverley Councils

Published on: 24 Aug, 2024
Updated on: 24 Aug, 2024

Pedro Wrobel, GBC’s Joint CEO

The new Joint CEO at Guildford & Waverley Borough Councils has been in the job for six months and in this interview he sums up the experience and says he is confident that, despite all the challenges, it is not too big a task for any one person.

In an interview with Dragon editor Martin Giles, Pedro, who has a crucial and pivotal role at both councils, explains the newly published “shared values”, to be shared by council officers and councillors in both councils. They are intended to support performance and delivery.

GBC’s and WBC’s Shared Values

Interviewed on the values specific topics covered include:

  • Whistleblowing
  • Compliance with the Nolan Principles
  • Financial management
  • Project management

Please watch…

The Dragon cartoon referred to by Pedro Wrobel in the interview…


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Responses to Joint Chief Exec Explains the New ‘Shared Values’ at Guildford and Waverley Councils

  1. Frank Emery Reply

    August 26, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Were these the same shared values of the previous post holder and his officer? If so, why is everything so bad? If new, how does the new CEO hope to enforce all of the so called values?

  2. Frank Emery Reply

    August 31, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    It would be nice to have a response to the above question but I guess the silence says it all !

  3. Peta Malthouse Reply

    August 31, 2024 at 6:23 pm

    I don’t think the shared values were shared previously. They should have been but this looks like a desired reset.

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