From Harry Eve
Guildford residents (and councillors) should be aware that the evidence supporting the draft Local Plan does not include a satisfactory transport assessment. This was admitted by Guildford Borough Council during the examination in a statement of common ground with Highways England. A new model was promised, commissioned from Surrey County Council, that would deal with a couple of the aspects that understate traffic in the current version.
However, when it became clear that the inspector would, in his opinion, find the plan “legally sound” (which is very different to “good”) – work on the new model was stopped. This means that the full impact of the Local Plan on the local roads infrastructure remains unknown and is severely understated.
One consequence is that green belt designation will be removed without first giving proper consideration to viability and sustainability. Another is that the infrastructure development plan is severely understated – condemning residents to a future of far worse congestion and traffic pollution than they experience now.
In effect, the most serious consequences of the traffic, that will be generated by the draft Local Plan, have been “modelled away” as part of the justification for building in the green belt and countryside.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
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