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Letter: Even 30mph is Difficult for Descending HGVs

Published on: 22 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 22 Sep, 2023

Farnham Road Speed Limit

From: Mike Davis

In response to: I Question Surrey Highways Motivation for Consultation on Farnham Road Changes

Other streets join Farnham Road from the north direction and traffic and pedestrians sometimes crosss towards Wodeland Avenue. Unfortunately, this is all on a downhill stretch until the roundabout at the bottom by Guildford Park Road.

HGV vehicles are very difficult to stop, even at 30mph, I drove juggernauts for years and the weight of the goods and the truck itself is obviously considerable.

While 30 mph sounds OK it’s not in an HGV going downhill it is asking for trouble. Getting this type of vehicle to stop in an emergency is like stopping a car at 70mph. Even stopping  at 20mph is difficult with all the weight but at least it can be done.

I’ll take a 20mph limit thank you.

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Responses to Letter: Even 30mph is Difficult for Descending HGVs

  1. Keith Francis Reply

    September 22, 2023 at 6:01 pm

    Would it be better if HGV’s are banned from using Farnham Road into Guildford and be expected to use the A3 and enter the town along Woodbridge Road?

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