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Letter: I Question Surrey Highways Motivation for Consultation on Farnham Road Changes

Published on: 21 Sep, 2023
Updated on: 21 Sep, 2023

Farnham Road Speed Limit

From: Ramsey Nagaty

former GGG borough councillor

In response to: Proposals to Tackle ‘Death Trap’ Road – Resident Urges Others to Have Their Say

Whilst a 30 mph speed limit may assist in making the stretch of Farnham Road safer, I question the current concern of SCC Highways in this regard.

The speed has recently been reduced from 50 to 40 mph on stretches of the Farnham Road. The blind bends are indeed dangerous especially for cyclists.

My neighbour some years ago cycling up the A31 was left by a hit and run driver and spent months in hospital. I would press for better pavements and a cycle path up the old Mount road. I also feel one or two pedestrian crossings would best resolve the safety issue ensuring better access to and from the downs whilst also slowing traffic and providing gaps for drivers emerging from Onslow Village.

Changes in speeds and junctions in the past always seemed to need at least a fatality and a number of serious accidents. Beechcroft Drive access comes to mind. It is therefore encouraging that safety appears to be taken more seriously.

I question the retrospective consultation including the turn into and from The Drive leading to the Crossways. This has already been implemented. What is the real motivation? Could it possibly be to enable Highways to approve development?

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Responses to Letter: I Question Surrey Highways Motivation for Consultation on Farnham Road Changes

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    September 22, 2023 at 9:08 am

    Perhaps the money project of London Road could be better spent on Farnham road?

  2. S Callanan Reply

    September 22, 2023 at 11:13 am

    I’ve seen a number of Surrey County Council (SCC) “consultations” recently and it appears that doing things retrospectively is par for the course.

    At present SCC is mulling over the consultation results on replacing paper permits for residents’ and visitors’ parking with virtual substitutes. [See Aug 22 article: Deadline for Residents’ Comments on New Parking Permit Scheme This Friday.]

    But paper permits had by and large vanished earlier in the year after NSL were appointed by SCC to run the scheme for the whole county. Guildford Borough Council was making a perfectly satisfactory job of managing residents’ and visitors’ permits but couldn’t just be left alone by SCC to get on with it. Why not?

  3. Guildford Dragon NEWS Reply

    September 22, 2023 at 4:53 pm

    […] In response to: I Question Surrey Highways Motivation for Consultation on Farnham Road Changes […]

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