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Letter: I Will Spread the Word

Published on: 20 Feb, 2024
Updated on: 20 Feb, 2024

From: Olly Azad

In response to: Long Live The Guildford Dragon!

Can I say how thoroughly pleased I am to have been introduced to The Guildford Dragon NEWS. It was on July 17, 2023 to be exact and I’ve never looked back. It’s become a daily routine of mine to explore this publication further above any other media platforms out there.

As Ben Paton has outlined The Dragon really does pack in a heck of a lot of informational services in return for simply “tuning in”.

If Rupert Murdoch or any of his big wig executives are hearing me they should lavishly direct their investments towards The Guildford Dragon.

But for now, if it’s any consolation, I’ll endeavour to mention The Dragon to friends and family in any conversations. After all, I too was introduced to this super publication in that same way.

Editor’s response: Many thanks for your kind words and I would urge all readers to follow your example, make it a daily routine and please do spread the word about The Dragon.

But we are not looking for investment from a media mogul, with all that would imply (not that it is likely!), but from those within Guildford borough or who have the genuine interests of local, public interest news at heart.

And there are other ways to help The Dragon. We could really do with more reporters, but realise that until we can pay them that’s a big ask.

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