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Letter: If The Whip Is Restored to Anne Milton We Will Resume Our Efforts to Remove Her

Published on: 11 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 11 Sep, 2019

From Richard Duncan

In response to: Guildford MP Anne Milton Explains Why She Joined the Other Tory Rebels

The Right Honourable Anne Milton MP writes a fine letter about her reasons for voting against the government.  However, her actions are inconsistent with her words.

Anne Milton stood for Parliament in 2017 on the Conservative Party manifesto that clearly stated, “No-deal is better than a bad deal”. She continued to draw a salary as a minister in Theresa May’s government even though the Prime Minister said about a hundred times that, “No-deal is better than a bad deal”.

It was only when it became apparent that it would become difficult to get a deal with the EU that Anne Milton adopted her strategy of sitting on the fence.  She abstained in the two critical votes against Theresa May’s government.

However, during the Conservative Party leadership election, she first voted for Michael Gove and, when he was knocked out, she switched her support to Jeremy Hunt.  Both candidates said that we would leave the EU on 31st October with or without a deal. She did not support Rory Stewart who was the only candidate who rejected no-deal.

If Anne Milton had felt as strongly against a no-deal. exit and in favour of a second referendum as she indicated after the Conservative whip was withdrawn, she should have resigned the whip voluntarily a long time ago.  She clearly hoped to vote against the government, not offend the Remain-supporting voters in her constituency and retain her job.

I and a number of Conservative Party members who had fundamental disagreements with Anne Milton’s actions were about to call for a special general meeting to challenge her. This is now not necessary but, should she be reinstated by the Conservative Party, we will resume our efforts.

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Responses to Letter: If The Whip Is Restored to Anne Milton We Will Resume Our Efforts to Remove Her

  1. Stuart Barnes Reply

    September 12, 2019 at 8:34 am

    If Anne Milton stands again as a Conservative then Guildford is a guaranteed loss for them. We have had enough of faux Conservatives standing here.

    Even if it means letting in an un”Democratic” Liberal we will not, under any circumstances, vote her in here again (and I speak for a lot of other people).

    Anyway, it seems that a real Conservative is going to stand for the Brexit Party so our decision is easy.

  2. John Redpath Reply

    September 12, 2019 at 8:05 pm

    Poor old Conservatives, proving yet again what a mess they are in and how out of touch they are.

    Anne Milton is a genuinely decent person who has life experience. Unfortunately, she is clearly not a true Conservative in the eyes of Mr Duncan and Mr Barnes, possibly because there was no case against her in the MP expense scandal and she has absolutely no conflict of interests unlike so many of her former colleagues.

    I wouldn’t expect true Conservatives to vote for her but there are many decent people who would.

    John Redpath is a R4GV borough councillor for Holy Trinity.

    • Adam Aaronson Reply

      September 12, 2019 at 9:14 pm

      Well said!

  3. Nils Christiansen Reply

    September 13, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    What a bizarre rant from Mr Duncan and Mr Barnes.

    What exactly is a “real” Conservative? Do you have to lie to the queen? Do you have to serially vote against your own government? Do you have to insist that you would rather die than obey the law of the land? Do you have to bribe taxpayers with their own money in some transparent attempt to buy votes before an imminent election? Do you have to “enhance” your country’s global standing by suggesting that foreign presidents prefer sex with goats?

    Anne Milton voted for every parliamentary attempt to actually deliver Brexit. How many of your “real Conservatives” are able to say that? Anne Milton voted against her own whip. Once. To object to a particularly awful form of Brexit that the government’s own Yellowhammer Report admits would be catastrophic.

    Acting in the national interest at significant cost to one’s own career. Now that’s a real Conservative.

    Nils Christiansen is a former Conservative and Independent borough councillor.

    • John Perkins Reply

      September 13, 2019 at 8:09 pm

      Much as I respect Nils Christiansen, he is utterly wrong. Boris Johnson did not “lie to the Queen”, he merely asked for her approval, in which she had little choice. Courts in England and Wales and Northern Ireland have taken the view that they have no place meddling in politics, something which Scottish courts appear to think is their prerogative: in which case, of course, they should be subject to election, but are not.

      In any case, they did not find that Johnson lied, only that they thought his motives impure, not exactly a legal requirement.

      The “Yellowhammer Reportl” is at least a year old and describes the worst case of what might have happened with “no-deal” under the circumstances arranged by by former chancellor Philip Hammond. Those who regard him as a decent man might explain why he didn’t do more to to avert any worst case scenario.

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