From: Julie Iles
Conservative county councillor for The Horsleys
In response to: This Time, R4GV Want to Get the Local Plan Right
In their recent letter, Cllr Rigg and Cllr Cross state: “Cllr Iles concluded that our 2019 candidates made promises they could not keep or decided later not to keep. Please show us where?”
This is where. This was the election address for the R4GV candidates in The Horsleys in 2019 and it exactly mirrors the number one pledge that Cllr Bigmore also had in his leaflet.
There are no caveats, no ifs, no buts it’s just a bold statement that they will amend the Local Plan.
All I’m hearing is lame excuses and the usual blame game.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Fiona Davidson
March 24, 2021 at 11:29 am
I see that Cllr Iles is determined to keep up the rather desperate Conservative pre-election ploys. I’m also wondering why she is so fixated on a topic that is not directly relevant to the upcoming Surrey County Council elections. Or is it?
Cllr Iles will of course be aware that this leaflet was written when no-one imagined that the Local Plan would be pushed through just seven days before the election in 2019.
We did not imagine in February and March 2019 that with their mandate exhausted, and with huge opposition, the Conservatives on Guildford Borough Council would take the very controversial step of pushing through the Local Plan at the last minute.
But they did. We were surprised and appalled. It was this action that prevented us reviewing the Plan as we had promised in our election literature.
One QC opinion and three judicial reviews later, affirming the legal soundness of the Plan process and the outcome, our only way forward is to reassess the options. Our recent Position Paper on the 2019 Guildford Local Plan does just this. It’s available on our website.
Fiona Davidson is chair of R4GV
Colin Cross
March 24, 2021 at 12:35 pm
We simply asked Where did we make promises we could not keep or decide later not to keep?
Of course, we know we made these commitments and we have just explained in detail that we are in the process of actioning these. It is a far cry from breaking promises, of which she accuses us and then backs off by providing irrelevant “evidence”.
I for one have had more than enough of this specious nonsense.
Colin Cross is the R4GV borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).