In response to: Dragon Interview – GGG Leader Ramsey Nagaty
I find myself spending too much time countering ludicrous claims from GGG. Hopefully, after this final rebuttal, GGG can move on from blaming the Green Party for losing an election with an attitude of indignation at the audacity of another political party to stand against them.
When I called Ramsay Nagaty [GGG leader] to discuss the SCC elections, I did so with an open mind towards collaboration in recognition of the many policies on the environment we share, even though vast differences exist, on social matters in particular.
That no such collaboration was possible quickly became clear after Ramsay spent much of the call claiming local Green Party members should “leave and join GGG”.
The agreement struck with the Lib Dems was done on a shared platform of progressive and environmental values. In Send (GBC) and Shere (SCC), the Green Party represented the only party with both a progressive and environmental platform. As a result, the decision was taken to stand in Send and Shere.
I will make this next bit very clear so I no longer have to repeat myself:
The Green Party stood on a platform of progressive and environmental policies. The idea that we just “split” the environmental vote is overly simplistic.
We are not a single-issue party. Our votes are not GGG’s exclusively, or potentially at all. Had we not stood, the Lib Dems would have done and much of our vote would have switched to them.
As for the suggestion that voters were “confused”, that GGG think so little of the electorate that they could mistake GGG and the Green Party on the ballot paper is, frankly, insulting.
There is a telling part of this interview which emphasises the difference between GGG and the Green Party, where Ramsay scoffs at ideas of Green Party policies on social issues and rights such as those on gender, labelling these as national issues.
I will be clear. Fundamental rights and social inequalities are not exclusively national issues. They impact every level of government.
In future elections, perhaps GGG and the Green Party will be able to work together where mutual interest can be found, such as standing one candidate each in two-seat wards such as Tillingborne.
If not, residents will have to choose between them. And if they choose to vote for the Green Party, I hope GGG don’t continue to insult the intelligence of the electorate by suggesting they voted for the Green Party in error.
Then, perhaps, we can move on from these ridiculous accusations and rebuttals that are such a waste of time.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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John Perkins
May 14, 2021 at 11:11 am
Mark Bray Parry comes across as pompous and patronising.
If he thinks he’s “spending too much time” on political debate then perhaps he should find something else to do.
How many times does he feel he needs to repeat the words “platform”, “progressive” and environmental? Say something often enough and people might come to believe that it’s true, but endless repetition is not an alternative to proper argument.
Apparently, the deal with the Lib Dems was done on a shared basis, yet in Send and Shere only the Green party satisfied those criteria.
David Roberts
May 14, 2021 at 2:04 pm
For the record, readers may merely wish to note the verdict of the electorate: where both parties stood, GGG won 2,391 votes to the Greens’ 1,068.