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Letter: Will Our MP Support My Suggestions Regarding Farnborough Airport’s Plans?

Published on: 4 Jan, 2024
Updated on: 4 Jan, 2024

From: Colin Byrne

In response to: Any Resident Can Request Call-in of Airport’s Expansion Plan

I am very grateful to Angela Richardson MP for responding so promptly to my letter about the need for a public inquiry into Farnborough Airport’s expansion plans.

Unfortunately, I am none the wiser as to the reasons why she is unwilling to support the request to call in the planning application to trigger a public inquiry. What I was looking for was an explanation of the arguments that had convinced her that the planning application should not be called in.

However, I am more interested in finding a resolution to this issue rather than debating it further or discussing the merits of Sustainable Aviation Fuel in the pages of this newspaper. So, I would like to propose a way forward.

I very much welcome Ms Richardson’s suggestion that “further negotiation between residents, local councils, community groups and the airport takes place to find a positive solution.”

May I therefore ask her, together with other local MPs if she so decides, to write to the airport and ask them to suspend their planning application in order to give time for the suggested further negotiations to take place?

I would also ask her to commit to requesting that the Secretary of State call in the planning application, should the airport refuse to suspend the planning application.

I very much hope she can take up this proposal and I look forward to her response.

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Responses to Letter: Will Our MP Support My Suggestions Regarding Farnborough Airport’s Plans?

  1. Roger Kendall Reply

    January 5, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    Are private jets the most polluting way of travel?

    Are they the worst for public annoyance and sound pollution?

    Are they the worst thing for climate change?

    If the answer is yes then how can any responsible council, government or body consider allowing expansion of this airport?

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