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Live Streaming Boosts Safety and Efficiency in 999 Emergency Calls

Published on: 1 May, 2021
Updated on: 4 May, 2021

When residents of Surrey and West Sussex call 999 now they can send a live video stream to the emergency control centre, thanks to Capita’s 999eye software.

Starting today, (May 1, 2021) callers will be asked if they want to provide a live video stream of the scene using their smartphone. If agreed, the control room operator sends a text message with a secure, one-time-use link that opens a live stream from the smartphone to the control room.

The software also sends the caller’s GPS coordinates, pinpointing their exact location.

Multiple users can view the 999eye live streams, if necessary, including control-room supervisors, senior officers and the responding crew at the scene.

The software allows operators to assess the type and severity of an incident more quickly to ensure the most appropriate response.

West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, being mobilised from the Surrey’s Joint Fire Control, means both services will use 999eye. In September, the service will also take emergency calls for East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service.

Dan Quin, deputy chief fire officer, Surrey Fire and Rescue, said: “Our operators are under pressure to collect detailed information as quickly as possible from the second a call comes in.

“Having access to a live video stream will help us evaluate risk, support decision-making and deliver better services to our communities.”

Paul Eggleton, managing director of Capita Secure Solutions and Services, said: “It’s great news for the people of Surrey and West Sussex, their fire and rescue services going live with our location-finding and video-streaming software.

“999eye is digital innovation working hand-in-hand with emergency personnel for the quickest and safest response possible.”

Jon Lacey, assistant chief officer, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, said: “We have been working with Surrey Fire and Rescue for more than a year as a joint mobilising solution. This new live-streaming feature in our control room is another example of the benefits of working together as a joint service.”

No app is required and no other data is removed or stored on the caller’s phone.

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