Fringe Box



Man Aged 53 Jailed After Violent Night Attack on Retired Couple Protecting Youngsters

Published on: 18 May, 2021
Updated on: 20 May, 2021

Stephen Evans

A 53-year-old man has been jailed for 21months after a violent attack on the home of a retired couple.

Stephen Evans, of no fixed address, admitted affray, criminal damage, having an offensive weapon (a knife), possession of cannabis and threatening behaviour.

Guildford Crown Court was told Evans tried to force his way at 3.30am into the home of the couple in Lion Mead, Haslemere, after they had given refuge to several boys and girls caught in the middle of a feud.

Detective Constable Kerry Plumb said: “This incident was truly shocking. The victims did an honourable thing and took in youths who sought refuge after a previous incident at another address.

“Evans arrived and started using threatening behaviour to try to force his way into their home. He repeatedly kicked their front door and tried to use a knife to get inside.

“The couple’s son left the address via a side door and tried to get him to stop. Evans threatened the son with the knife then threw it in a bush when police arrived.

“Evans’ behaviour that day was not only terrifying but it’s left a significant lasting impact on the victims who are still recovering from it.”

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