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Opinion: Rage, Rage At The Building Of The Blight That Is Solum’s ‘Great Wall Of Guildford’

Published on: 12 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 14 Sep, 2019
By Martin Giles

“When visitors to the town get off the train at Guildford and see the Solum Guildford station development they will just think, ‘This is the norm’. It is only us, the residents of Guildford who will be offended.”

This is what a senior council officer told me the other day. He was probably right; you can step off the train in many London dormitory towns and see the lookalike characterless urbanisation typified by places such as Croydon and, closer to home, Woking. And why should visitors know or expect any better?

An illustrative view of Guildford town centre included in supporting documentation for The Casino proposal. It shows the mass and height of the Solum development and the impact it will have on Guildford’s townscape. Ranger House has been pointed out as a scale reference.

Let’s face it, the Local Plan Inspector was correct when he labelled as “appalling” some areas of Guildford town centre outside the High Street. It is, by and large, a testament to the comprehensive failure of Guildford Borough Council’s planning ability since the Second World War.

Of course, there were economic constraints, especially in the Fifties and into the Sixties when the country was broke, but other towns have had better planning and been less dismissive of their historic buildings and character. It was not inevitable that commercial instincts would trump the traditional look and feel of our town.

Guildford’s historic character has been our unique selling point. We should have protected it jealously and enhanced it, not trashed it as we did in so many parts of the town. If you like high-rise fine, but not here in a gap town where the topography is part of the town’s attraction.

My council friend was resigned, it was all too late. Solum are expected to commence the construction in 2020 because one solitary planning inspector from Bristol, who will not have to suffer the immense damage of his decision, made up his mind in support of the Lord Adonis theory (New Planning Tsar Says Guildford Should Double in Size) that there is a constant need for growth in expanded “hub” towns such as Guildford.

In doing so, in the clearest example of the lie that was the Localism Act (even in my despair, that title brings a derisive laugh), he overruled the unanimous view of our borough councillors as well as bodies including The Guildford Society and Guildford Vision Group who have been studying the challenges of planning a better Guildford for years, applying their considerable experience and expertise.

Shame on the inspector for thinking he knew better. But shame on us too if we meekly lie down and “go gentle into that good night”.

Image prepared by the Guildford Society to show the impact of the Solum development on a view from the town centre.

We should all rail against this injustice. Our council should campaign and tell central government how hated this project is, should make it clear to developer Solum, which made a despicable pretence of local consultation, how unwelcome they will be. Our MP should raise it in Parliament and mercilessly bend the ear of Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, the successor to the tin-eared Chris Grayling who refused to use his power to step in.

And when we are next asked to cast our votes we should, if we care anything about our town, ask what the candidates would do about the Solum abomination?

We should keep shouting loudly until the last brick is laid. Even then, if that sorry day arrives, we should point at the “Great Wall of Guildford” and tell those we hold responsible: “Don’t ask for my vote when you allowed this to happen”.

Click here for previous stories on Solum railway station development.

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Responses to Opinion: Rage, Rage At The Building Of The Blight That Is Solum’s ‘Great Wall Of Guildford’

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    September 12, 2019 at 8:24 pm

    I’ve been railing against things like this since the late 1960s. Sometimes people listen, sometimes they learn the hard way. Sometimes it’s too late. “I told you so” is never well-received.

    But all the time the few keep shouting we have a chance. If those currently in charge look to history and realise the price they will pay in their popularity we might still have a chance Solum will change their approach.

  2. Susan Hibbert Reply

    September 13, 2019 at 10:10 am

    Excellent article.

    Let’s lobby the new borough council: dramatically different from the previous one as it is (an almost wholesale change in elected members due to huge dissatisfaction with the previous ones who failed on so many planning issues), maybe they, elected to support residents rather than political parties, will do something to prevent this monstrosity from blighting our town.

  3. Jules Cranwell Reply

    September 13, 2019 at 5:48 pm

    This lot are failing us as badly as the Tories. They defend the ruinous Local Plan while declaring a climate emergency and doing nothing about it.

  4. Harry Eve Reply

    September 14, 2019 at 10:22 am

    How about Guildford Reaction Rebellion (GRR) to the Local Plan, Solum and developers playing the planning system?

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