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Abby Ixer’s Nutritious Food: Pancakes With Apples

Abby Ixer is a registered dietician with a passion for food and nutrition. She moved to Guildford four years ago and is currently working in the area of health promotion, delivering healthy lifestyle programmes…

Richard’s Wey, February 2015

The latest report from Richard Cant, the Stoke lengthman on the River Wey Navigations January proved to be a very busy month, with our maintenance team carrying out a three week…

Rarely Used Underpass Prone To Flooding Beneath Busy Road Now Fit For Use

An underpass beneath a busy road in Park Barn that was rarely used as it was often flooded has had work finally done to make it accessible. The repair work…

MP Says Plans For Railway Station Redevelopment Are ‘Short-sighted’

Guildford’s MP, Anne Milton is calling for a more joined up plan to redevelop Guildford railway station. She recently responded to Solum Regeneration’s consultation saying the plan is ‘premature’. She also…

Sign Up Your School Or Community For A Blooming Good Summer

Schools across the borough of Guildford schools are being asked to get involved in this year’s South and South East in Bloom. Guildford Borough Council would like to see even more local…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.80

By Malcolm Fincham Taking advantage of a dry spell of weather, I spent some time enjoying a few pleasant days of sunshine during the last weeks of January around the…

Step Out With Some New Free Healthy Walks

Free weekly walks taking in Whitmoor Common and the River Wey at Stoke, begin this Friday, January 30, at 11.30am. This Friday’s one-hour walk starts from the Lockwood Centre, Westfield Road, Slyfield Estate, GU1 1RR. Further walks will…

Fascinating Exhibition Of WWI Witley Camp Now On At Godalming Museum

Anyone interested in the First World War and the impact it had on this part of Surrey will surely make a beeline to Godalming Museum that has a fascinating exhibition on…

Council Bids For ‘High Upfront Cash’ To Kick-start 1,000 Homes Development at Slyfield

Guildford Borough Council’s plans to develop 40 hectares of brownfield land at Slyfield to provide 1,000 new homes needs a huge injection of ‘up front’ capital. The Slyfield Area Regeneration Project (SARP) is a complicated…

Birdwatcher’s Diary No.79

By Malcolm Fincham Recalling last winter’s floods, it was certainly easier to start 2015 with a much drier walk on my annual new year’s visit to Stoke Nature Reserve. This time, however, I…