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Latest North Street Designs Revealed – 500 Flats and Up To 13 Storeys Proposed

By Hugh Coakley Latest designs for the Guildford town centre North Street regeneration project reveal plans for around 500 one-, two- and three-bedroom flats  in blocks ranging from four storeys…

Letter: Wider Implications of the St Mary’s Wharf Proposal

From: Richard Mills vice-chair (Policy), Guildford Town Centre Conservatives See also: Town Split Over St Mary’s Wharf As Historic England Accuses Developer of “Flawed” Conclusions Discussion of the St Mary’s…

Letter: Re-purposing Debenham’s is the Best Option

From: Bibhas Neogi In response to: Debenhams Worst Outcome Would be to Lose Control of Our Town As far as I am aware, this site is not within the conservation…

Letter: Debenhams Worst Outcome Would be to Lose Control of Our Town

From: Gavin Morgan Founder of Guildford Heritage Forum In response to: Debenhams Worst Outcome Is Years Of Vacant Dereliction I want to put an alternative perspective on Bill Stokoe’s letter.…

Letter: Debenhams Worst Outcome Is Years Of Vacant Dereliction

From: Bill Stokoe I write in a personal capacity and not as chair of the Guildford Vision Group (GVG). I support the imaginative elements of public space, riverside regeneration and…

Opinion: Viability Studies – Great for Politicians and Developers, Disastrous for the Community

Why are developers continually building things they say are not financially viable? Why has the amount of affordable housing provided by developers diminished so dramatically even in the prosperous South…

Opinion: We Must Grab the Opportunity to Redevelop Debenhams

From: John Rigg  Lead councillor Regeneration and Major Projects Debenhams is acknowledged as our most important town centre site both as a standalone site and within its prominent and historic…

Consultation on ‘350 Much Needed New Student Homes’ In Walnut Tree Close Is Underway

By Hugh Coakley Three hundred and fifty more student homes are being proposed in Walnut Tree Close. There has already been criticism of the scale and height of developments in…

Only A Minority Oppose North Street and Debenhams Developments, Finds Survey

By Martin Giles Most Guildford residents support or are neutral about proposals to redevelop Debenhams and North Street, if a vox pop survey conducted by The Dragon yesterday (August 11)…

Is Alan Turing Now Guildford’s Best Known Briton?

By David Rose The Bank of England’s announcement of the design for its new £50 banknote featuring computer scientist and wartime codebreaker Alan Turing must add more credence to proclaiming…