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Where Is This? No.250

By David Rose Excellent replies with lots of additional details relating to last week’s mystery vintage picture. It was a view of North Street just down from its junction with…

Where Is This? No 246

Where Is This? No 246

By David Rose Thanks to all who replied to last week’s post. I think Charles Graham’s answer to the location of the vintage picture showing the River Wey in flood in 1968…

The Dragon Says: The Vision Group Plan Must Be Taken Seriously

The Guildford Vision Group (GVG) plan might not be perfect. Perfect plans don’t exist and anyway who says what is perfect? But The Guildford Dragon NEWS says it is the…

Letter: Some Practical Difficulties Remain Before GVG’s Plan Can Be Realised

From Bibhas Neogi I watched Guildford Vision Group’s (GVG) presentation of their ideas for Guildford town centre redevelopment in connection with the removal of the gyratory. Their ideas of creating…

Where Is This? No.244

By David Rose Plenty of correct replies to last week’s images, and a big apology to readers who have been following this column for a long while, as the vintage…

Regeneration Strategy for Guildford Town Centre Approved

Regeneration Strategy for Guildford Town Centre Approved

A draft Guildford Town Centre Regeneration Strategy was agreed last night (January 24) by the Guildford Borough Council Executive as an aspirational document that sets out a recommended approach to…

Letter: The Pop Up Village Needs Better Signposting

From Dave Middleton It is so sad that the Pop Up Village project appears to be failing. It did seem a bit rushed to get it open in time for…

A New Railway Crossing Would Allow Better Bus Services, Says Vision Group

The Guildford Vision Group (GVG) says its proposal for a new east-west crossing from York Road to Guildford Park Road would offer possibly the best option for bus travellers in…

Opinion: Thoughts On A Walk – Looking Backwards And Forwards

By Martin Giles “Let’s walk over to Watts Gallery,” suggested my wife. I needed little persuading; it’s a lovely two-mile walk from our home in St Catherine’s along the “Pilgrims’…

Updated: Rising Population That Finally Forced Guildford To Open A Public Library

By David Rose Guildford’s public library has been a feature of North Street since 1962, but some readers may recall others sites in the town where books could be borrowed for…