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Photo Feature – Raft Race 2015 – Not for the Hydrophobic

Published on: 5 Jul, 2015
Updated on: 7 Jul, 2015

Photos from Mike Bennett and Martin Giles

Every year the Guildford Lions organise a raft race to raise money for charity and every year it is an opportunity for us to watch some waterborne fun and frolics.

The theme this year was “Stars and Stripes” and awards were due to be presented for the Best Presented Raft, Best Youth Raft, Best Designed Raft, for the Best General Raft and to the fastest raft along the 2km course in each class.

This year, blessed with warm whether, was no exception – but be warned the video by Lorimer Burn and the photos that follow are not for those easily frightened of water…

Click on photos to view in larger format.

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It all started peacefully. With temperatures in the high 20s the crews moved slowly as they began to prepare their rafts for launching…

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… apparently unimpressed by their activity a small boy plays by the footbridge as countless have before him – what more does a boy need than a stick and some water?

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Another deceptively serene scene minutes before the start. Is that the spanner monkeys from Pedal Pushers arriving on a purloined speed boat? No, it’s just one of the very necessary safety boats positioning itself…

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Is this the Dutch entry? The orange shirts might make you think so but, in fact, it is from the charity Practical Action, an international organisation that uses technology to challenge poverty in developing countries…


Rafting is deceptively easy on grass…

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This raft, apparently from Millis Building Contractors, looks great. Garden chairs for comfort, umbrellas to keep the water or sun off, the whole thing constructed by builders… what could possibly go wrong?


Erm… riding a little low isn’t it?

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The self collapsing umbrellas are a nifty feature… Anyone for a beer?


And it all started so well…

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Perhaps it will work this way up?


As long as we didn’t cause any disruption at the start…


No disruption – just pandemonium…

The Mayor, Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith, who had officially started the race looked really concerned.

The Mayor, Cllr Nikki Nelson-Smith, who had officially started the race is really concerned…

But the boys kept playing...

Even the boys had noticed: “It’s chaos down there. It completely capsized!…”

The Mayor makes her getaway before anyone disobeys the notice: "Do not throw eggs at the Lady Mayor."

The Mayor makes her getaway before anyone disobeys the notice: “Do not throw eggs at the Lady Mayor.” Who would dream of such a thing?


But other rafts were launched and got underway… this one shows that it takes four super-heroes to crew a raft in this race…


“Ahaa, me hearties,” British pirates, properly equipped with slim-line life jackets, looking for some rich American pickings… They might find some kegs of Stella floating around…

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American football cheerleaders – lovely – but some of them have suspiciously hairy legs…

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It’d the Hawaiian theme from this colourful crew…

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The boy could be forgiven for thinking that swimming is really much easier…

The survivors paddle on giving a free show to the diners at Debenhams. Until next year then...

The survivors paddle on giving a free show to the diners at Debenhams. Until next year then…

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Responses to Photo Feature – Raft Race 2015 – Not for the Hydrophobic

  1. Barry Jutsum Reply

    July 5, 2015 at 1:34 pm

    Great reporting with a series of photographs that described another event by Guildford Lions.

    Thank you Guildford for your support and well done The Guildford Dragon News for covering our Raft Race.

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