Well known and respected Guildford Beaver and Cub leaders Tony and Tess Lees have sadly retired for health reasons from their roles after more than 30 years’ service.
Tony Lees bowling at the rounders game in Stoke Park.
They first came to 2nd Guildford (St Peter’s) Scout Group when their eldest son was a Cub.
Tony often helped the then leaders, Dave and Will, acting as an adult helper when the Cubs went for walks and other activities.
Later Tony became an assistant Cub Scout leader with Shere Khan as his pseudonym.
Tess Lees. She and her husband Tony have been stalwarts of Scouting in Guildford for more than 30 years.
A year or so later Tess joined the Beaver colony as an assistant Beaver Scout leader taking the name Adder.
In about 1997 Tony became Akela and has held the position ever since.
Tess also progressed to become the Beaver Scout leader. She rose to the ranks of assistant district commissioner for Beavers for part of her tenure.
Tony has been tireless with 2nd Guildford Scouts, organising jumble sales, car washes and many a bingo evening.
He was on the the committee for Games on the Green in Bellfields and also organised carol-singing at the B&Q and Homebase stores at Ladymead, all to help fundraising for the Scout group, which ensured it had the lowest subs for its members in the district.
Tony Lees cuts a cake at the celebration in Stoke Park that was attended by many past and the present Cubs of 2nd Guildford.
Tony also organised Cub and Beaver birthday events, its SCRAM events and district competitions, Cub camps and Beaver sleepovers, ensuring the success of 2nd Guildford Scouts.
Youth leaders say Tony and Tess’s efforts and contribution will be greatly missed.
The celebration event in Stoke Park.
Their three sons all went through the Scout movement and Tony’s last day was at Stoke Park at a celebration attended by many past and present Cubs of 2nd Guildford.
Their son Adam was joined by former Cubs who enjoyed a game of rounders with Tony acting as the bowler.
There was a parade at the end of the meeting known as the Grand Howl.
Tony was presented with gifts that included a framed Cub scarf, of which he laughed and said: “I have got one of those!” However, the inscription “Behind every Good Scout is a GREAT LEADER” said it all.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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Pauline Searle
August 17, 2024 at 11:27 am
I am sure Tony will be sadly missed by the scouting community of Stoke and Stoughton. He is a wonderful person that is always smiling and very involved in all community events in Stoke.
I got to know Tony when I was the Surrey County Councillor for Guildford North and was very happy to support him and help with funding for the 2nd Guildford Scout Hut in Stoughton Road. He was a driving force behind the planning and fund raising to achieve this wonderful facility, and I was very proud to cut the ribbon at its official opening.
Tony was a great asset to the community and I sincerely hope he has a happy and healthy retirement.
Pauline Searle is a former Mayor of Guildford, and former conty and borough councillor.