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Surviving Strategic Director Quits to Take Up CEO Role with a West Sussex Council

Published on: 17 May, 2024
Updated on: 17 May, 2024

Dawn Hudd

By Martin Giles

Dawn Hudd, joint strategic director of Place for Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils and the only remaining member of the senior management team that was in place before the resignation of CEO Tom Horwood earlier this year, is leaving to become the CEO at Arun District Council.

Since Mr Horwood’s departure the other two strategic directors, Annie Righton and Ian Doyle, were said to have “stepped back on a temporary basis,” from their respective roles “to protect the integrity of investigation into whether the correct governance processes were followed in the letting and management of one or more contracts in the housing maintenance service”.

Annie Righton has subsequently resigned while Ian Doyle is not, it seems, allowed to carry out any work but remains on full pay.

See also: Highly Regarded Joint Strategic Director Quits Guildford & Waverley Councils

A spokesperson for GBC said: “Dawn has played a pivotal role at Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils, leading our Planning, Regeneration and Economic Development, Assets and Property and Regulatory Services functions.

“We wish Dawn every success in her future role.”

On Arun District Council’s website it says: “At a meeting of the Full Council on 9 May 2024, Dawn Hudd was appointed as CEO of Arun District Council.

“Dawn brings with her a wealth of experience gained in her directorships and senior positions at Waverley Borough Council, Guildford Borough Council, Medway Council, Maidstone Borough Council and Canterbury City Council.

“This experience covers an expansive range of strategy and priorities, regeneration, corporate programmes, assets, climate change, planning, performance, communications, democratic services and elections, building control, housing, tourism, leisure and economic development.”

Matt Stanley, leader of Arun District Council, said: “We are delighted to announce the appointment of a new CEO, Dawn, and look forward to welcoming her when she joins us later this year.

“The energy and experience that Dawn will bring to the council is exciting and as she has worked in political environments similar to ours, I truly believe we are in safe hands as we strive to make Arun a better place to live, learn, visit and earn.”

When asked to comment on her appointment, Dawn said: “I am delighted to be joining Arun District Council as its CEO and am really excited by the opportunity to bring my experience and skills to helping Arun achieve its full potential.”

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Responses to Surviving Strategic Director Quits to Take Up CEO Role with a West Sussex Council

  1. Jules Cranwell Reply

    May 17, 2024 at 4:54 pm

    Can anybody tell me precisely what the remit is of ‘joint strategic director of Place? I just can’t figure it out. Is it responsible for all places in the borough, or just one particular place?

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