Surrey County Council has awarded Sight for Surrey a single contract to provide sensory services for people who are visually impaired, deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and those who have combined hearing and sight loss.
The new contract covers the whole of Surrey and starts in February. The organisation will continue to be based at its offices in Fetcham.
Bob Hughes, the chief executive of Sight for Surrey, said: “We are delighted that Surrey County Council has put their faith in Sight for Surrey to deliver this expanded range of specialist services.
“We have delivered Surrey’s Blind and DeafBlind services for more than 20 years and the communities can be confident that we will continue to deliver high-quality specialist services to all service users.
“The available statistics show that a growing number of people in Surrey will need specialist help with their vision or their hearing. We look forward to working with the communities to ensure that we deliver cost-effective services so that everyone who needs our services can receive them.”
Sight for Surrey will begin a programme of detailed consultation with service users in the new year to model and design services, and the new contact details will also be publicised in mid-January.
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Contact: Martin Giles
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