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Dragon Interview: Councillor Describes Impact of ‘Battle for Guildford’ Video

The campaign video “Battle for Guildford” made and distributed by Robin Horsley has definitely caused waves within the local political scene. See also: Dragon Interview – ‘Battle for Guildford’ Campaigner…

Dragon Interview: ‘Battle for Guildford’ Campaigner Robin Horsley

Robin Horsley as part of his campaign against the proposal to redevelop North Street has issued a new, slickly produced, video “The Battle for Guildford“. In the video, he is…

Dragon Interview: The Thriller Writer Who is a Climate Change Ambassador

By David Reading Most of us learn about the devastating effects of climate change through news reports. Canadian scientist Paul Hardisty has chosen to bring home the message through a…

Dragon Interview: James Walsh, Leader of the Labour Group at GBC

 It has been almost five months since the borough council election which gave a narrow victory for the Liberal Democrats. Enough time has now passed to consider and assess.…

Dragon Interview: Patrick Oven, GGG Leader at GBC

It has been almost five months since the borough council election which gave a narrow victory for the Lib Dems. Enough time has now passed to reflect and assess. Dragon…

Dragon Interview: Joss Bigmore, R4GV Leader at GBC

 It has been almost five months since the borough council election which gave a narrow victory for the Lib Dems. Enough time has now passed to reflect and assess.…

Dragon Interview: Philip Brooker, Conservative Leader at GBC

It has been almost five months since the borough council election which gave a narrow victory for the Lib Dems. Enough time has now passed to reflect and assess. Dragon…

Guildford Election Interviews Feature in the BBC’s Regional News

BBC interviews with campaigner Robin Horsley and Residents for Guildford & Villages leader Joss Bigmore conducted last week by BBC London are scheduled to be broadcast tomorrow at 1.30pm and…

Dragon Interview: Howard Smith Labour, ‘We’re in Favour of the Local Plan’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is conducting a series of interviews with the leaders, or nominated representatives, of the various parties at Guildford Borough Council in the lead-up to the local…

Dragon Interview: Paul Spooner, Conservative, ‘Adopting the Local Plan Was the Right Move’

The Guildford Dragon NEWS is conducting a series of interviews with the leaders, or nominated representatives, of the various parties at Guildford Borough Council in the lead-up to the local…

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