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‘Metropolitan Scale’ Of Railway Station Plan Shocks Meeting Hosted by The Guildford Society

The ‘massive metropolitan-scale’ buildings planned for the revamp of Guildford railway station shocked those who attended a public meeting about the scheme, say The Guildford Society, who hosted the gathering. A…

Letter: Questions To Council Leader On Latest Moves Over Local Plan

From Janette Panton, on behalf of FLAG (Fairlands & Liddington Hall Action Group) I write in response to Cllr Stephen Mansbridge’s recent press release with regards requesting that Guildford Borough Council (GBC)…

Letter: My Family’s Views Were Misrepresented In Stoke Church Story

From Edward Buckley Regarding the story about St John’s church’s plan for its west churchyard in Stoke Road, Guildford. I am writing to complain that my family’s views have been…

Letter: Station Plan Appears To Be About Building Properties

From Bibhas Neogi I attended The Guildford Society’s meeting on Wednesday (January 21) about Solum’s planning application for the development of the railway station site. There isn’t much in the…

Green Belt Pressure Group To Field Candidate for Guildford In General Election

The Guildford Greenbelt Group’s chairman Susan Parker will stand as its prospective parliamentary candidate in May’s general election. She has led the Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG) since its formation in 2013. The group has…

Fascinating Exhibition Of WWI Witley Camp Now On At Godalming Museum

Anyone interested in the First World War and the impact it had on this part of Surrey will surely make a beeline to Godalming Museum that has a fascinating exhibition on…

Where Is This? No.144

By David Rose The Fox pub at Fox Corner on the edge of Worplesdon, but just inside the parish of Pirbright, was the subject of last week’s vintage mystery picture.…

Council Bids For ‘High Upfront Cash’ To Kick-start 1,000 Homes Development at Slyfield

Guildford Borough Council’s plans to develop 40 hectares of brownfield land at Slyfield to provide 1,000 new homes needs a huge injection of ‘up front’ capital. The Slyfield Area Regeneration Project (SARP) is a complicated…

Tills Rang Out As Festive Shoppers Flocked To Guildford

Retailers in Guildford had a good trading period over Christmas, seeing lots of shoppers coming into town with the tills literally ringing out! Year-on-year footfall figures increased throughout the town in December by 10.7%,…

Greenbelt Group Says Prof’s Radio Comments Are At Odds With University’s Building Plans

Points to Ponder is a column taking a slightly different look at items in Guildford’s news. Featuring stories that may not hit the main headlines, but will nevertheless get you thinking…