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County Rubbish Tips Likely to Stay Open And Be Revamped

Published on: 2 Jul, 2019
Updated on: 3 Jul, 2019

Guildford Recycling Centre at Slyfield. Photo Mandy Millyard

By Rebecca Curley

local democracy reporter

Plans to close rubbish tips could be scrapped as Surrey County Council seeks better education about recycling and even improving the sites, councillors have been told.

Thousands of residents signed petitions and launched campaigns to save their Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) from proposed closures months ago.

After the outcry,  SCC cabinet members halted the closures and a task group of councillors was told to review use of the sites.

On Monday (July 1), the group reported back that more money could be saved by improving recycling and indicating a recommendation not to close the four sites in Bagshot, Cranleigh, Dorking and Warlingham. The group may recommend improving the CRCs and offering more facilities.

The closure would have affected an estimated 54,000 households, making savings of about £1 million a year.

Cllr Andrew Povey

Cllr Andrew Povey, (Con, Cranleigh & Ewhurst) leader of the cross-party task group, said they had visited the sites to see how they are being used and they believed the council could make more savings if they improved the sites and made it easier for people to recycle.

He told the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee: “Largest savings would come from reducing the amount of waste or increasing the amount of recycling.”

He said schemes such as food waste and the caddy bins could be saving millions of pounds compared to those gained by closing the CRCs.

And the task group has indicated it is also looking at charges that have been brought in and the impact these are having on residents.

Cllr Povey said: “The themes going forward have got to be about encouraging re-use and encouraging recycling.”

Cllr Fiona White

Cllr Paul Deach (Con, Frimley Green & Mytchett) said: “I’m delighted there has been a rethink and this is being taken really seriously.”

Lib Dem Cllr Fiona White (Guildford West) added: “I’m delighted to hear we are not going to be closing anything.”

The task group is going to explore how it can work more closely with charities to re-use items as well as the charges for DIY waste before it reports back to cabinet with full recommendations in September.

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Responses to County Rubbish Tips Likely to Stay Open And Be Revamped

  1. Valerie Thompson Reply

    July 3, 2019 at 8:45 am

    I note the comment about charges for recycling affecting residents. Actually, it affects everyone and especially the councils, who have to bear the cost, by using our council tax money, of removing the dumped rubbish around the county, caused by fly-tippers, who refuse to pay the charges.

    I am delighted that the recycling centres are not now likely to be closed. Dorking is now reduced to a few days a week and bears notices about queues, because of heavy use!

  2. Rob Taylor Reply

    July 3, 2019 at 10:46 am

    Great news as we use the Dorking recycling site a lease once a week, it makes a change that the council are thinking of us for once.

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