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County’s Emergency Forum Ready to Back Residents and Businesses in New Lockdown

Published on: 1 Nov, 2020
Updated on: 3 Nov, 2020

Surrey’s Local Resilience Forum (SLRF) is supporting residents and businesses across the county in dealing with the latest Covid-19 restrictions announced by the Prime Minister yesterday (October 31).

The Forum, made up of representatives from the county’s emergency services, health, hospitals, the county council, borough and district councils, provides a coordinated response to major incidents, threats and risks to keep people safe.

Steve Owen-Hughes, the county’s chief fire officer who chairs the SLRF, said: “Over the past few weeks, we have seen a rapid rise in the infection rates across large parts of Surrey.

Steve Owen Hughes – chief fire officer and SLRF chair

“This is causing considerable concern. With hospital admissions rising from this deadly disease we need everyone to follow the government’s advice to stay home and leave only for specific reasons, including education and work, where you cannot work from home.

“Although non-essential businesses, bars and restaurants, must close, except for takeaway services, supermarkets and chemists will remain open so there is no need to panic or to bulk-buy.

“The people of Surrey have already risen to this challenge once and I have no doubt they will rise to this again. Only by us all working together can we halt the progress of this deadly and unpredictable disease.”

New restictions explained:

  • People are to stay at home unless they have a specific reason to leave, such as
    work, which cannot be done from home, and for education purposes;
  • Schools, colleges and universities will remain open;
  • People can leave home for exercise, medical reasons, to buy food and other
    essential shopping, to provide care for vulnerable people or for volunteering;
  • Meeting family and friends indoors or in private gardens is not allowed;
  • People are still allowed to form support bubbles;
  • Children can move between homes if their parents are separated;
  • Outdoor recreation being encouraged, you can meet one person from another household outside in a public place;
  • Pubs, bars, restaurants and non-essential retail must close, but takeaways and click-and-collect shopping can remain open;
  • Leisure and entertainment venues, including gyms, close;
  • Construction sites and manufacturing workplaces remain open; and
  • Clinically vulnerable people are asked to be “especially careful”, but people are not being asked to resume shielding.

The new restrictions come into force from 0001 on Thursday, November 5 till Wednesday, December 2.

For the latest advice and guidance please check the government’s website at, Surrey County Council or your local district or borough council website.

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