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Great To Be Back At Wood Street Village’s Summer Show

Published on: 30 Jul, 2018
Updated on: 30 Jul, 2018

Bob McShee reports on the 2018 Wood Street Village Summer Show

I attended the Wood Street Village Summer Show last weekend (July 21) for the first time in a number of years, as the show usually clashes with my visit to RAF Fairford to see the Royal International Air Tattoo.

Bill Chester opening the 2018 Wood Street Village Summer Show.

Going this year brought back many memories as in the late 1970s and early 1980s I was involved in running the show.

I recall the first time a beer tent was provided; many of the older residents in the village complained as they didn’t think it was appropriate and boycotted the show that year.

On another occasion an ice cream van did not turn up and in another year two arrived both claiming that they had been booked!

The weather is always going to be problematic – too wet, too dry, too hot or too cold.

I can remember one year the show had to be cancelled as the village green was waterlogged.

A major concern that I had was the safety of children who used to climb to the ridge of the marquee and slide down – who would be responsible if they fell and injured themselves?

Wood Street Village Horticultural Society’s marquee in the morning before the show.

But enough of the past, this year’s show featured the horticultural exhibits in the marquee plus many traditional attractions: the crowning of the flower queen, Maypole dancing, a Punch and Judy show, dog show and a car boot sale.

On the Sunday a charity jazz festival was held in the marquee with the money raised going to the local charity, Challengers.

The show was opened by Bill Chester, who had been the chairman of the Wood Street Village Association but who has now moved away, so it was a nice thank you to him for his contribution to the village.

The Worplesdon churches stall with Revd Alex Russell.

Among the stalls present were: Jane Lee’s Walking on Air, the Revd Alex Russell with the church stall, British Heart Foundation, a traditional coconut shy, a WI market stall, and many more.

The coconut shy.

It was a very pleasant day, helping out on the tombola stall, chatting with old friends, enjoying a glass of Pimm’s and taking lots of photos, and I look forward to going to the show again.

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