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Guildford Labour In Brexit Motion At Party Conference

Published on: 1 Oct, 2018
Updated on: 2 Oct, 2018

Guildford was “in the room” as a crucial motion on Brexit was being created at the Labour party conference in Liverpool last week, says Guildford Labour.

Guildford Labour Party’s vice-chairman Anne Rouse with shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer at the party’s conference in Liverpool last week.

Spokesman Brian Crease said: “As Guildford had submitted a motion on Brexit for debate, our delegate, Anne Rouse, was a part of the group who met for a marathon Sunday evening meeting to create what is called a ‘composite’ motion – one that represents all views round the table.

“The aim is to create a democratic consensus and unity rather than conflict. The motion went on to be enthusiastically endorsed by the conference in the most eye-catching debate of the week.”

Anne Rouse, Guildford Labour Party’s vice-chairman said: “Although it was very hard work, it was also a really positive thing to be involved with. Despite there being so many views represented round the table, everyone worked to find agreement concentrating on the views we had in common.

“I was also impressed that our shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer stayed in the meeting actively participating for all six hours, so he really understood what the membership thought about Brexit.

“Many in the media seem to fail to understand that Labour is a democratic party and that our positions are arrived at through debate and discussion. So often this is portrayed as splits and schism when it is simply the process of real political debate leading to agreed positions.

“If anything the conference was slightly dull this year because 1,500 delegates from local parties, trades unions and other organisation agreed on so much. I have never seen the party so unified as it is now.”

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Responses to Guildford Labour In Brexit Motion At Party Conference

  1. John Fox Reply

    October 6, 2018 at 8:36 am

    One of the most worrying and deluded conferences ever.

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