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Letter: I Hope The Remain Parties Form a Coalition

Published on: 27 May, 2019
Updated on: 27 May, 2019

From: Jonathan Viera

In response to: Updated: Lib Dems Top EU Election Poll in Guildford Borough

Well done Lib Dems for a well-run campaign and for fighting back after the hangover of the “Cameron years” debacle (doing the right thing in coalition, I might add).

It staggers me that the councillor for Burpham should or could come up with such a contrived position, claiming that it’s clear what the people wanted. No, it’s absolutely not clear what the mass of the electorate want.

What is clear is that the numbers added together of the Remain parties equal far more (as Zoe Franklin says) than those for the dreaded Brexit party with Farage at the helm.

I only hope that the Green Party and the Labour Party (if a certain leader would stop sitting on the fence for so long) form some kind of coalition of Remain parties to stop Brexit in its tracks.

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Responses to Letter: I Hope The Remain Parties Form a Coalition

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    May 28, 2019 at 12:57 am

    Here we go again, losers’ maths.

    It’s time the democratic vote was accepted by those who lost the vote for the fourth time:

    First time – a general election (2015) with the winning party and main opposition stating they would hold an EU referendum;

    Second time – the referendum when again both main parties claimed to accept the result;

    Third time – a general election (2017) where again both main parties stated they would honour the referendum vote;

    Fourth time – the EU election won by The Brexit Party.

    Just how many elections are required before these people accept the will of the majority?

    It looks to me like only a small minority of people want to go against the accepted democratic process of our country and support the “educated” elite view that the majority don’t understand, or can’t comprehend, what is going on. From where I sit this is extremely arrogant and unacceptable behaviour.

    Picking on just one of the 17.4 million, Christian Holliday, as if it’s his fault Remainers lost the vote, is really is a bit much. He hasn’t demanded a re-run of the borough elections because he lost his council seat, has he?

  2. Harry Elson Reply

    May 28, 2019 at 7:30 am

    Bask in the sun while you can. I can’t remember how many times the Liberals or Libe Dems were supposed to be on the way back, but come the election they will return to the back of the queue when the Labour Party comes to power and the Brexit Party win 60 seats. Maybe the Lib Dems can join a coalition with Labour like they did with the Conservatives and eat the crumbs from the table.

    As for the overall numbers adding up to Remain vote, please look at the statistics. What about when Blair won by 60 seats with only a third of the vote? Everyone can say what they like but we are going to leave.

  3. Stuart Barnes Reply

    May 28, 2019 at 8:09 am

    The losers continue to clutch at straws. The result of the EU election was a clear win for Brexit and for democracy and confirms the result of the referendum.

    17.4 million voters are still waiting for the result of the last referendum to be implemented. After that is done then the losers can ask for a possible new referendum but not before.

  4. Sue Fox Reply

    May 28, 2019 at 11:58 am

    Oh dear, my favourite local Brexiteers rise again.

    Like their pin-up, Mr Farage, they fail to understand that returning sovereignty means that Parliament has the final say, that the EU believes it has a deal and in any case, it won’t be operational until November 1.

    The House of Commons should not go into recess but sit until they can get a resolution by, if all else fails, revoking Article 50.

    The numbers for remain stack up, sorry but it’s true. Let’s face reality and get on with sorting out the very real problems of the UK which have now been ignored for three years.

    The NHS, job losses, the decimation of our industrial base, food poverty, climate change… I could go on, but we all know what’s wrong it needs to be fixed now.

    • John Perkins Reply

      May 28, 2019 at 5:06 pm

      Parliament has been preventing the return of sovereignty and therefore deny itself the right to have the final say. Odd bunch.

      To revoke Article 50 would surely require Parliament to pass an Act, something it hasn’t shown much ability to do recently.

      What the EU believes is irrelevant; there is no deal unless both sides have signed one.

      Parliament has had three years to do what a large majority of its members promised; it has utterly failed. If national issues have been ignored then Parliament is to blame, nobody else.

      What job losses? What numbers for Remain? All the evidence is that the number of people in employment is at its highest level for a long time and the Remain/Leave divide in the country, generally, is still close to even.

  5. George Potter Reply

    May 28, 2019 at 3:46 pm

    I do love Brexiteer maths where somehow 31.6% of the vote for the no-deal-supporting Brexit Party magically transforms into an overwhelming majority of the population wanting a “no-deal Brexit”.

    In fairness though, perhaps this “special” mathematics that they use explains why they also think that decimating trade with 90% of the world through a no-deal Brexit would somehow cause an economic boom.

    George Potter is a Lib Dem borough councillor for Burpham.

  6. Harry Elson Reply

    May 29, 2019 at 8:16 am

    I am sorry to inform Sue Fox that I am not a Brexiteer; I voted for the original concept for closer trade with our European friends, not to impose laws and join a federal unelected government. I am a democrat which means that we abide by democratic decisions – even with a majority of one.

    The London elite is a country in a great bubble all on its own which includes the Blairites the Corbynistas and Liberals who always know best and waiting to impose their form of democracy on us all. They should visit other parts of our great nation to find out what the majority really feel.

    I wonder how Nick Clegg is spending his time? He sold out for a handful of silver – such a leading Liberal he was always going on about the EU then decided to abandon the fight and go to the USA, and let’s not even mention Cameron.

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