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Letter: Thank You Anne Milton

Published on: 28 Sep, 2019
Updated on: 28 Sep, 2019

Sir Paul Beresford and Anne Milton

From Paul Kennedy

Lib Dem Parliamentary candidate for Mole Valley

In response to: I Am Changing My Mind On Our Local MPs

Like others, my respect for Anne Milton has been transformed since she stood up for her constituents and our country against Boris Johnson’s threat of a reckless no-deal Brexit and his contempt for Parliament.

I am not surprised that Mole Valley’s current MP has continued to follow the Conservative whip. As his nearest challenger last time, and now a member of the new majority Liberal Democrat administration in Mole Valley, I can confirm that I would have voted to defer Britain’s withdrawal until the government has had a deal accepted by Parliament, and indeed by the British people.

The 2016 referendum result is a mandate to negotiate a new relationship with our European allies, but not to impose a specific deal or no-deal outcome. It is increasingly clear that there is no majority for Theresa May’s deal (which even most Brexiteers say is inferior to our current membership), or for a catastrophic no-deal Brexit which would weaken our negotiating position further.

I am not surprised by the reasoning of the Supreme Court. To have accepted the government’s claim – to have an unfettered discretion to suspend Parliament for as long as it likes, purely for political advantage – would have meant conceding that our country is not a democracy governed by the rule of law.

It is shocking that the government continues to undermine democracy by disputing the Supreme Court ruling. It is vital that the rest of us defend our democracy and judicial independence. Thank you, Anne.

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Responses to Letter: Thank You Anne Milton

  1. Jim Allen Reply

    September 28, 2019 at 10:04 pm

    Sadly, I would read the complete reverse of this story. Weasley words are being used to destroy our democracy and conceal the loss of a lawful referendum with its majority vote to Leave. I did not vote for half out of the EU delayed by three years of procrastination and dilatory obstruction and of my democratic vote to leave the EU with a clean break.

    But I guess this would put a technical spanner in the works of the argument displayed above.

  2. Andrew Eacott Reply

    September 28, 2019 at 11:36 pm

    Couldn’t agree more. Well said Paul Kennedy.

  3. Stuart Barnes Reply

    September 29, 2019 at 9:45 am

    Do we read from this gushing article/letter that the former, or perhaps never was, Conservative Anne Milton is about to join the undemocratic Lib Dems?

  4. John Philpott Reply

    September 29, 2019 at 6:22 pm

    Sir Paul Beresford campaigned to Remain. 53% of those who voted in Mole Valley agreed with him.

    Now, instead of standing up for his constituents he just toes the party line. I have great respect for Anne Milton who does support her constituents.

    • Roger Morton Reply

      October 1, 2019 at 12:48 pm

      As John Philpott said, Sir Paul Beresford was in favour of remaining in the EU but claimed to have changed his mind.

      When I suggested to him that he should support giving the electorate a chance to change their minds through a second referendum, he said that would be “undemocratic”. So it’s one rule for Sir Paul and another for everyone else.

  5. John Perkins Reply

    September 30, 2019 at 1:00 pm

    A few correspondents recently have criticised Sir Paul Beresford for not acting in the same way as Anne Milton.

    Sir Paul is standing up for the country as a whole and is honouring the promise he and his party made when he stood for election. Unlike Guildford’s MP.

    Those who would have the country obedient to the wishes of one constituency must be aware that a large majority of constituencies voted Leave (410 out of 650 with 49 of 84 in the South East). Unlike the MPs who supposedly represent them.

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