Twas Christmas day at the workhouse… and you can get a feel of what that was like at Guildford over 100 years ago.
The Spike Heritage Centre in Warren Road is once again open for tours on Christmas morning.
Special tours of The Spike are taking place on Christmas morning. Snow is not guaranteed, but certainly a good time!
It is the preserved former casual ward of the Guildford Union Workhouse, where vagrants and tramps could once get a bed for the night, sleeping in locked cells.
The guided tours are at 10.30am and 11am, lasting an hour. Hear stories of Christmas Day there in times gone by and expect some surprises too!
There will also be seasonal refreshments of mulled wine and mince pies.
The Spike’s general manager John Redpath and local historian and writer David Rose will be leading the tours.
Places are limited, so book now to avoid disappointment. Tickets cost £10 per person and are available from Guildford’s Tourist Information Centre at 155 High Street (tel: 01483 444333), or the Charlotteville Jubilee Trust on 01483 598420.
The Spike is at Warren Road, Guildford GU1 3JH.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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