A review by the Executive Committee has found the 17 public toilets in Guildford are well-used and maintained.
Other items discussed were free toilets, the possible closure of the Home Farm toilet in Stoke Park, and to finance a new Changing Places toilet.
Cllr David Goodwin (Lib Dem, Onslow), lead for Licensing, Parking, Refuse, Recycling, said: “It is important to keep toilets in Guildford free of charge and to improve accessibility for all residents, visitors and workers.”
Another key priority is to continue to improve accessibility for the disabled in Guildford by supporting a Changing Places toilet with retail partners, which would be the first in the area.
Cllr Goodwin added: “A Changing Places toilet meets the needs of those with complex disabilities and includes more space and additional features such as an adult-sized changing bench with hoisting system, space for up to two carers, a centrally placed toilet and privacy screen.”
The council is also considering the closure of Home Farm toilet, in Stoke Park, due to the high costs of refurbishing the site. A consultation will be set up later this year before a decision is made.
Jim Allen
July 18, 2019 at 11:34 am
It would be useful for the Toilets be kept open at Sutherland Memorial Park to match the hours used on the sports field. Closing them outside office hours while using the park until 22:00 is a little ‘disjointed’.