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GBC Sets Up Task Force to Lead Drive For Greater Openness and Transparency

Published on: 12 Dec, 2019
Updated on: 13 Dec, 2019

A task force of one councillor from each political group on Guildford Borough Council and chaired by Cllr Tim Anderson (R4GV, Clandon & Horsley), has been set up to lead the drive for greater openness and transparency.

The group was agreed by the council’s Corporate Governance and Standards Committee on November 19 and follows unanimous support for the R4GV (Residents for Guildford & Villages) motion in October to change the presumption of confidentiality.

The initial agenda covers the following issues

  1. The councillors’ Code of Conduct, including the rules governing the level and acceptance of gifts and hospitality;
  2. Adoption of the best-practice recommendations contained in the Local Government Ethical Standards report presented to the council in March last year, but not adopted;
  3. The use of social media by councillors;
  4. The protocol governing the relationship between councillors and officers;
  5. The effectiveness of internal communications between officers and councillors; and
  6. Proposals to improve transparency and communications within the council.

The aim is to complete this agenda by the end of 2020.

Cllr Anderson said: “Guildford residents frequently express their concern and dissatisfaction about what they see as the culture of secrecy at GBC.

“The aim of this task group is to establish transparent ways of working where councillors can work more co-operatively with officers, and the public can be given much greater access to proposals and information.

“The recent debacle over North Street, where councillors were unaware of the developer’s plans, highlights the need for greater openness. And there are many other examples.

“We have the enthusiastic support of officers in this endeavour, and I am optimistic that we can deliver what residents expect.”

James Whiteman, managing director of GBC, has commissioned a Local Government Association review of the practices, procedures and conduct of the Planning Committee after several of their meetings have shocked councillors and caused residents considerable distress.

And after denial of the Ockham FOI request, R4GV will be pushing for a change in how these requests are handled, so councillors are made aware of them and are kept informed about their handling.

This story is based on a R4GV press release.

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