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Guildford Snippets – Do You Know? No.7

Published on: 17 Jun, 2018
Updated on: 17 Jun, 2018

By Nick Bale, Guildford Town Guides

Quakers’ Acre is the small garden next to Guildford Library in North Street.

The entrance of Quakers’ Acre, pictured by Nick Bale.

Until the 19th century, the Quakers Meeting House and burial ground was on this site, hence the garden’s name. In keeping with its former role as a burial ground the garden has two memorials as well as a sombre-looking stone head by Horsham artist Janine Creaye.

George Frederick Watts is commemorated on the plaque on the arch at the entrance to the garden.

The other memorial is in a less obvious position. Do you know what event the other plaque commemorates?

You can find out more about Hidden Guildford on a guided walk starting at Tunsgate Arch at 2.30 pm on Tuesday, June 19.

Many thanks to those of you who responded to last week’s question. The answer was Alan Turing, the mathematician and code breaker.

Visit for further information.

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Responses to Guildford Snippets – Do You Know? No.7

  1. John Lomas Reply

    June 21, 2018 at 7:30 am

    Thanks to the Guildford Dragon for enabling me to find this.

    The plaque in Quakers’ Acre names the five people who were killed: Paul Craig; Guardsmen William Forsyth and John Hunter of the Scots Guards; and Privates Ann Hamilton and Caroline Slater of the Women’s Royal Army Corps.

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