Letter: Feedback From Blackwell Park Exhibition
Published on: 16 Mar, 2019
Updated on: 15 Mar, 2019
Outline sketch plan of “Blackwell Park” (click to enlarge)
From Fiona Curtis
I asked residents to send me pictures of the boards along with their feedback from the day. Two comments summed up the general feedback.
The assumption that this enormous development (geographically the size of Guildford town centre) was a “done deal” and that the exhibition was a bit like asking passengers on the sinking Titanic, where they would like their deck chairs.
Another attendee commented on the map with its arrows flowing in every which direction, including west and likened it to the opening of Dad’s Army and asked, “Are we being invaded by the university?”
Other comments included the following:
- Lack of detail, lack of proof that proposals would work
- No acknowledgment of the inevitable exacerbation of existing problems (congestion, safety, pollution) and how they would be dealt with
- Questions over missing traffic modelling / data and routes that traffic would take were unanswered
- Assumptions were made over the impact of modal shift and the number of people likely to live and work on the Park who would not need a car (all unproven)
- Access issues were glossed over and the impact on A3, A31, B3000, Down Lane, Egerton Road/ roundabout and the Business Park to name but a few, were of great concern especially as significant levels of development are proposed before infrastructure is implemented (contrary to promises made by Cllrs Spooner and Furniss)
- A traffic management plan will be needed for the construction period (which would be for many years)
- Concern over the impact on the Business Park and Egerton area before the A31 access is constructed and that not only would the A31 eventually see additional traffic from the houses, school, shops, and employment area but also from the business park (and probably from the hospital).
- Lack of detail
- Concern over the “phasing” of large swathes of development before infrastructure (as previously mentioned).
- Concerns over exacerbation of existing flooding issues. Balancing ponds were mentioned but were not shown on any maps
- Changes to landscape especially the loss of trees
- Significant and irreversible damage to green belt and the views from the AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
- Loss of potential AONB
- Care of the ancient woodland
- “Integration” between the University and wider Guildford failed to account for permanent borders/ boundaries ie railway line, woodlands, major roads.
Jules Cranwell
March 16, 2019 at 2:05 pm
Unfortunately, the Tory leadership don’t give a fig. They just want ‘growth’ and development at any cost to residents.
Colin Cross
March 16, 2019 at 9:31 pm
Where did I hear that mantra repeatedly intoned, “no development without the necessary infrastructure already being in place”?
Oh yes, it was Cllrs Spooner and Furniss throughout the planning saga for the Ockham Three Farms Meadows site.
Colin Cross is the Independent borough councillor for Lovelace (Ripley, Wisley and Ockham).
Arjen Naafs
March 20, 2019 at 8:00 pm
Aside from destruction of the green belt, Blackwell Park transport hinges only on two things: 1) Surrey County Council adopting roads owned by University of Surrey (Gill Avenue, a research park road & new roads) and 2) the University of Surrey to collaborate with Highways England to construct massive junction to link A31 to their private development.
For the past decades, the very same parties – SCC, GBC, UniS and HE have been unable to solve the problem of a relatively tiny road and make safe the deadly junction of A3 with Beechcroft Drive. This inability should worry any investors in Blackwell Park, any potential buyer of the new properties and local communities throughout Guildford that will bear the brunt of poor traffic solutions. After all, if they can’t agree on solving a relatively small traffic problem – how on earth do you expect them to manage something as big and complicated as Blackwell Park?
Guildford should be scared.
Arjen Naafs is the chairman of the Beechcroft Drive Residents’ Association