From George Potter
George Potter is a Lib Dem borough councillor for Burpham
In response to: The UK Cannot Re-house All That Wish to Come Here
Ben Paton’s letter opens with nonsense and continues in much the same vein.
Migration Watch is regularly labelled as one of the most opaque “think-tanks” in the country which keeps its funding sources incredibly well-hidden. More importantly, it has been repeatedly caught out pushing lies and distorted statistics.
To say “the evidence for migration is set out by Migration Watch” is akin to saying “the facts on space travel are as set out by the Flat Earth Society”.
In the real world, however, the fact remains that migrants, of all nationalities, pay more into our public services than they take out and that the housing crisis, far from being their fault, is the result of 15 years of this country failing to build enough homes for its existing population and 30 years of failing to rebalance the national economy away from London and the South East.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Robert Shatwell
November 21, 2019 at 8:56 am
This is a typical Lib Dem letter, full of nothing factual. Perhaps Mr Potter would like to tell us the truth with references to the source of his information. It’s rather like saying we will be better off remaining in the EU but not saying why. As usual, Lib Dems are sitting on the fence tied against a post so they can’t fall one way or another.
Stuart Barnes
November 21, 2019 at 9:28 am
We are lucky that Migration Watch exists as it is the only trustworthy and honest voice commenting on the damage done to our poor little country by uncontrolled immigration.
I assume that trustworthiness is why it is almost never quoted by the laughably biassed BBC.
Peter Gatford
November 21, 2019 at 10:53 am
Once again we hear Liberal Democrat personal opinion being stated as fact. My experience is that usually “facts” coming from that direction are no more than that party’s attempt to mislead, again. Much easier to do when you are a fringe party, not so easy when in a position of real decision. Ask Nick Clegg.
Adam Aaronson
November 21, 2019 at 3:20 pm
I’m not a Lib Dem and I have disagreed with Mr Potter on a number of occasions through these columns.
On the subject of Migration Watch, however, everything he states above is correct, in my opinion.
S Callanan
November 21, 2019 at 8:51 pm
“The housing crisis… is the result of 15 years of this country failing to build enough homes for its existing population.”
I’m sure that’s right but weren’t the Lib Dems in a coalition government for five years of that period? So they must shoulder at least some proportion of the blame, mustn’t they?