An approximate 10m section of hedge, looking to be mainly bramble, was removed to widen the site entrance opposite Chittys Common.
From Loraine Austin
In response to: Social Media Outcry As Hedges Removed In Keens Lane Development
It is the nesting of people that continues without us knowing when to stop.
Guildford town is over-populated as it is. The taking of this green belt does untold damage to wildlife, air quality, quality of life for local residents and confidence in government. It has undone a policy that was made many years ago by people who protected the land from being taken, so as to prevent urban sprawl.
There are thousands of empty properties around the country, plenty of brown belt land. There was no need to take this land for development. The Aldershot Road and Worplesdon Road are already at a standstill morning and night; it’s the norm.
Who in their right mind would have agreed to make it worse? And yes, the birds are more important than people when it comes to taking all of their nesting sites, it’s nothing to do with vegans. I’ve never heard of people eating blackbirds, save in a nursery rhyme.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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