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Letter: We Invite Guildford Labour to Back Up Pro-EU Words With Action

Published on: 8 Nov, 2019
Updated on: 8 Nov, 2019

From Ciaran Doran

Chairman of Guildford Liberal Democrats

In response to: This Lib Dem Election Newsletter is Untruthful – Error or Deliberate Misinformation?

I thank Brian Creese of the Guildford Labour for reaching out about our newsletter.

Along with the majority of the electorate we are confused as to the Labour position on Brexit. Is Jeremy Corbyn pro or anti-European Union? In the unlikely event Labour gain a majority will they push for a Hard or Soft Brexit? If there is a second referendum, on which side will Labour campaign?

The fact is that the Liberal Democrats are fully committed to stopping Brexit as the best direction for this country and using the savings to invest in public services and to build a brighter future.

In this election, we are giving the public a crystal clear option on the ballot paper to vote for stopping Brexit. And, for those who are still in favour of Leaving, the opposite option to our policy is being offered by the Brexit Party.

The Liberal Democrats announced today that the party, as part of Unite to Remain, has made an arrangement with The Green Party and Plaid Cymru to step aside for pro-Remain candidates in 60 seats across England and Wales. Labour has failed to engage in this process.

We are confident that, with this Unite to Remain cooperation, we can make a real difference, we can stop Brexit and we can, and will, build a brighter future for this country.

It’s true that individual Labour party members have made strong contributions to the pro-European movement in Guildford but they are sadly the exception rather than the rule, and none of them are standing in this election.

We invite Brian Creese and the Guildford Labour Party to backup their pro-EU words with action, to put country before party, and if they and Guildford Labour are truly pro-Remain then stand aside for the pro-Remain Liberal Democrat candidate, Zöe Franklin.

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Responses to Letter: We Invite Guildford Labour to Back Up Pro-EU Words With Action

  1. Brian Creese Reply

    November 8, 2019 at 11:45 am

    There are lots of things I could argue about with Ciaran, in agreeable fashion, but in a convoluted way, I think he agrees with me that this leaflet has two manifest untruths.

    Firstly, it says that the Lib Dems will offer the people the final say when Ciaran is clear above that the Lib Dems will stop Brexit if they get the chance. Secondly, it says that Labour will not give people the final say while it is clearly Labour policy to have a second referendum and abide by the result. The leaflet should be withdrawn as two of its claims are manifestly untrue. An apology would be good too.

    Brian Creese is a spokesperson for Guildford Labour

    • Ciaran Doran Reply

      November 9, 2019 at 12:03 am

      I think Brian Creese knows the real truth behind the situation with Labour. Labour have said they will negotiate a new deal with the EU and then have a referendum on it – but which side will they take in that referendum? Will they campaign to Remain, having just negotiated a deal or will they campaign to Leave despite having just negotiated a deal.

      The point here is the lack of clarity. While Labour may now suggest a further referendum (and remember they were dead against it for so very long in these last three years) the current Labour policy seems to be incoherent in arguing for a referendum with two potential standpoints in doing so.

      On the other hand, while the Liberal Democrats fought hard for a People’s Vote (that the Labour Party thwarted while in parliament) now that we’re in an election we are crystal clear. If you elect a majority Liberal Democrat government then we will stop Brexit.

      I don’t agree with Brian’s statement above but will happily argue in agreeable fashion.

      In the end, this all comes down to who you believe will stop Brexit given the chance. For me, since I believe wholeheartedly that our country’s future is better off by remaining within the EU, I know that the only party who are openly determined and committed to remaining in the EU are the Liberal Democrats. I think there’s no argument there.

      Ciaran Doran is the chairman of Guildford’s Liberal Democrats

      • Shelley Grainger Reply

        November 9, 2019 at 4:55 pm

        Once again, the Lib Dems seem unable to separate truth from fiction. The Labour Party did not “thwart a People’s Vote” in Parliament. The simple truth is that there were never enough opposition MPs to get that vote through against the Tory and DUP combined.

        Mr Doran asks: “Who you believe will stop Brexit given the chance?”

        The truth is that the Lib Dems will need Labour to win the election in order to pass a bill for another referendum. This may or may not result in a Remain win but the reality is this: No Corbyn win, no banana.

        Shelley Grainger is the secretary of Guildford Labour

  2. Jacob Allen Reply

    November 8, 2019 at 4:18 pm

    Why should Guildford Labour stand down? Every seat in the country deserves a pro-worker, socialist candidate ready to truly speak up for them.

    Jacob Allen is a Guildford Labour activist.

  3. Sue Hackman Reply

    November 11, 2019 at 5:57 pm

    If the Lib Dems surprise us all and get a majority, they will put aside the first referendum, and revoke Article 50. Then you get five years of hazy liberal policy. Regret at leisure.

    • Andrew Eacott Reply

      November 13, 2019 at 2:44 pm

      Personally, I would happily take five years of hazy liberal policy over a No Deal exit in 2020 and five years of hard-right policies from the Tory party (aka Brexit Party 2.0). How long would we regret that for?

  4. Brian Creese Reply

    November 12, 2019 at 1:23 pm

    And still the Lib Dems refuse to engage with my original point.

    The leaflet has two clear untruths – Labour will give the people a choice on Brexit and the Libdems will not. It is misleading and inaccurate. It should be withdrawn and Zoe Franklin (who has her picture all over it) should apologise for the errors in this publication.

    Brian Creese is a spokesperson for Guildford Labour

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