David Munro, the county’s Police and Crime Commissioner, has reacted to the withdrawal, for the second time, of criminal lawyer Charlie Chirico, as Tory candidate for his job in the May election now likely facing delay because of the pandemic.
See: Yet Again, Tory PCC Candidate Charlie Chirico Bows Out
This has not come as much of a surprise to me,” he said. “There’s been little news regarding her campaign or indeed anything else. I feel rather sorry for her. She has clearly been put in a position by Surrey Tories where she’s felt uncomfortable.
“Me having been thrown out of the party, despite remaining a moderate Conservative at heart, I have found very useful, being able to say what I think as an Independent, without having to toe the party line, and this has gone down very well with Surrey residents.
“I am able to represent a broader percentage of the population and avoid party politics getting in the way of doing a job that is less about politics and more about ensuring as many people as possible get the opportunity of having a say about how our police operate.”
Would be possible for him to be adopted again as a Tory? The answer’s no. “They threw me out and haven’t asked me back so those bridges are burnt.”
“In the extremely unlikely event of me being approached, by the party nationally or in Surrey, my answer would be an unequivocal refusal to stand under the Tory banner.
“Interestingly, I still get regular begging letters from the PM downwards. Their donations database clearly hasn’t kept up to date with their political one.
“I am very proud of our excellent force and I am keen to stand again for a second term, as an Independent, and I’ll take my chance at the polls.
This month Home Secretary Priti Patel will publish the recommendations of a review into PCCs, introduced by David Cameron in 2012 to make the police more accountable.
The recommendations include clarification of what constitutes operational independence and moving to “first past the post” for PCC elections after the next polls currently scheduled for May which critics say would favour Tory candidates.
David Munro’s Agenda in Bid for Second Term as PCC
Why should people vote him in again?: “One, I am Independent so I can speak truth to power and keep the police out of politics.
“Two, I have a proven record of achievement including providing 250 extra officers and staff, with more to come.
“Three, Surrey Police are now rated “Good”, up from “Inadequate and “Requires Improvement” when I arrived.
“Four, I have ambitious plans for the future: more officers and staff, improving the crime-solving rate, more emphasis on crime prevention.
“And five, with the Chief Constable and his team, I have driven a much better focus on engaging with residents and acting on their concerns. I will continue this if elected.
“Being PCC is at times a demanding job which requires a great deal of experience and the ability to listen to residents as well as working closely with the Chief Constable and his team to deliver the best service possible.
“I believe I remain in the best position to do that, and I’m committed to serving Surrey in this way.”
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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ian stronge
January 16, 2021 at 3:22 pm
Congratulations to PCC Munro for achieving a rise in the ‘Police Precept’ that residents pay with their Council Tax.
This is perhaps what he means by “I can speak truth to power and keep the police out of politics”.
That there is so much information on the Office of PCC website is admirable. Even as a summary the regular updates to the ‘Balanced Scorecard’ reveals the complex work we expect the police to do for us:
So it would be useful to hear PCC Munro mention more detail about his approach to improving Surrey’s rating by the Home Office Inspectorate:
“Surrey Police are now rated “Good”, up from “Inadequate and “Requires Improvement… I have ambitious plans for the future: more officers and staff, improving the crime-solving rate, more emphasis on crime prevention.”
Especially as Surrey Chief Constables continue their tradition of leaving for the Met or other national roles every couple of years.
PCC Munro is now working with his second Chief Constable.
The PCC is elected for a term of 4 years.