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Reaction to Lead Councillor Resignation

Published on: 29 Aug, 2019
Updated on: 1 Sep, 2019

Guildford Borough Council will not expand on an allegation of “misconduct” made against Cllr Susan Parker, lead for Environment and Rural Strategy, who resigned from the Executive on August 27, pending a General Data Protection Breach (GDPB) inquiry by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Others are making their feelings known.

Cllr Joss Bigmore

Joss Bigmore, leader of Residents for Guildford and Villages (R4GV), said: “This is a sad day for Guildford.  The council Executive is the poorer for losing the passion and intelligence of Cllr Parker.

Cllr Bigmore, lead for Finance and the only other non-Lib Dem on the Executive, added: “The GBC press release states a confidential review is underway so we cannot comment on the alleged offence, but Cllr Parker will have every opportunity to defend herself.

“It is right that the council doesn’t specify the alleged conduct issue while it is unproven. If a defendant wishes to make the issue known they can, as Cllr Parker has done.

“As a general point, both councillors and officers have to hold themselves to the highest standards or else trust with the public is lost.  In the eyes of many residents, the conduct of some members of the previous administration was questionable.

“Hopefully, the action taken by Cllr [Lib Dem council leader Caroline] Reeves is a sign that this regime is different, and this is not just a vendetta against Cllr Parker.

“Aspects of Cllr Parker’s resignation letter resonate with R4GV.  We have experienced some of the frustrations she voices, and we have serious concerns that we are yet to address a perceived culture of secrecy at GBC whereby information is too frequently and unnecessarily withheld from residents.

“That being said, we feel co-operation is the key to progressing our agenda, we have had demonstrable success gaining a commitment to a town centre master-plan and also the instruction of a different QC to have a look at the Local Plan.

“At this stage, I don’t think it proper to get into theoretical discussions about Cllr Parker’s vote and portfolio. The news is very raw and I need to talk [this] through with my group.”

Cllr David Bilbe

A former Conservative lead councillor, David Bilbe, apparently breaking the communications embargo imposed by his group leader Paul Spooner, thought the resignation a good thing: “My view is that the councillor in question has been totally disappointing since being elected and has failed to secure the working cooperation which is vital to being effective. I cannot think of one motion idea or proposal which has gained any momentum or added to the good of Guildford and its future…

“Maybe I am wrong, but personally I am relieved that the councillor is not on the decision-making body of the council.”


Former councillor Mike Hurdle with Cllr Susan Parker after their election in 2015.

But Cllr Parker’s former ward and party colleague, Mike Hurdle, who stood down at the May election, was confident she would be exonerated if treated fairly.

“I worked with Cllr Parker for four years as a GGG ward councillor, and know her as an honourable person who, as party leader, always made sure we all knew and applied the appropriate codes of conduct and procedures. I am confident a fair hearing will establish no breach of conduct.”


Cllr George Potter

Lib Dem Cllr George Potter (Burpham) came straight to the point. “Data protection is a serious matter and the council would not have reported an alleged breach to the ICO unless it had very good reason to believe a breach had occurred.

“If Cllr Parker is unable to accept that a potential GDPB needs to be investigated then I think it’s very appropriate she has resigned. No one forced her to do so, and therefore her attempts to make this a matter of principle are pretty risible.

“It’s also disappointing to see Cllr Parker making claims, in her letter, that simply are not true.”





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Responses to Reaction to Lead Councillor Resignation

  1. John Perkins Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 11:12 am

    The Data Protection Act 2018 runs to 354 pages.

    As a diligent council member, George Potter will undoubtedly have read and understood every line before he prejudged the review of Susan Parker’s alleged breach of compliance.

  2. David Roberts Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 4:34 pm

    Could Cllr Potter please specify where he thinks Cllr Parker is lying in her letter, so that she can respond?

  3. Robert Shatwell Reply

    August 30, 2019 at 7:27 am

    There is only one way this matter can be satisfactorily concluded and that is for an independent enquiry to be conducted by the ICO and their findings made public. If this doesn’t happen then the public will have no confidence in any GBC councillor or officer.

    In the meantime, Cllr Parker should be suspended pending the outcome of this independent enquiry.

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