By Hugh Coakley
Scaffolding came down from the Tunsgate Arch on Friday, September 27, opening up the area to the delight and relief from local traders (see Historic Tunsgate Arch’s Renovation Work Is Revealed)
Traders are pleased that Tunsgate Arch is now fully opened up to pedestrians after being restricted for about seven months during essential repairs.
The repair work was required after a piece of stonework fell from the arch in February this year. The area under the arch was closed off for safety reasons. Investigations into the cause of the failed stonework revealed that the structure was in remarkably good condition after 200 years.
The stonework has been repaired and cleaned. You can just see the two areas where stonework has been replaced. The new stone has a slightly darker colour.
As well as repairing the stonework, Guildford Borough Council took the opportunity to carry out essential maintenance work on the structure while scaffolding was in place. This has included fitting lead sheeting to replace the leaking roof area, repairing some rotten timber pieces in the area behind the portal, cleaning the stone facing and replacing the pigeon deterrent spikes on the coat of arms with unobtrusive netting.
Staff at the Guildford Tailoring and Alterations shop in Tunsgate were happy to see the arch renovations completed.
Hassan Nurdosti, from the Guildford Tailors and Alterations shop in Tunsgate, had a big smile when he said: “I’m glad it’s open. There are more people passing by now.” He said that it had been a double hit for shops with the recent work on the pavement last year. “Let’s hope they don’t have to come back for further repairs any time soon,” he added.
Staff on the Brown Bread stall, which trades under the arch, said that it was great to be back. The stall had been closed for the seven months that the repairs had taken. They had still operated in North Street at the Friday market but they had missed out on the trade from the stall during the works.
The work was carried out by the specialist stone and restoration company, PAYE.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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