Fringe Box



Warm Beds, Help and Hope for Town’s Rough Sleepers This Winter

Published on: 6 Dec, 2018
Updated on: 7 Dec, 2018

Rough sleepers by Guildford Station

As winter begins to grip, members of Guildford’s Homeless Outreach and Support Team (HOST) are preparing to help the town’s rough sleepers find warm shelter and perhaps make a start on leaving life on the streets.

HOST is commissioned by the borough council and run by Riverside Care and Support (RCS), partnered with Number Five night shelter, Guildford Action drop-in, local hostels and other statutory and voluntary services. During severe weather, they aim to offer every rough sleeper a warm bed, food, access to facilities and support to leave streets.

The team responds to reports from anyone who has seen someone sleeping rough. They visit, offer immediate practical and emotional support and a bed. No-one in Guildford is excluded from this.

A rough sleeper in North Street

Ketan Patel, RCS area manager for Guildford, said: “Before weather conditions worsen, we want people to know about the HOST service, which also operates all year round, and the special arrangements in place for winter.

“We are fortunate to have a range of services and a supportive council in Guildford to help homeless people, but we cannot be complacent. Tackling homelessness is a huge challenge, every person is unique and a key element of our work is to listen carefully and remain non-judgemental.  It is challenging work in what is sometimes a difficult environment but there are specialist services out there to help with all kinds of problems.

“Although some people resist help from any agency, this doesn’t deter us. We keep in touch until that person decides they want help, then we step in.

“Rough sleepers in Guildford are offered help all year round and are never forgotten. In winter, additional emergency beds are provided and we take every opportunity to encourage people to come in from the cold. There are many ways people can support our work and any help you are able to give is appreciated.”

One specialist service is the Indigo Project which supports rough sleepers and people at risk of homelessness who are experiencing mental health problems and for whatever reason are unable to get help from other services.  Indigo is funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and is run in a partnership with Riverside, Guildford Borough Council, Surrey County Council Adult Social Care and Surrey and Borders Partnership Trust.

You can help rough sleepers in Guildford by reporting any sightings or sharing any concerns you may have to the HOST team: or call 01483 302495.

Alternatively, contact Streetlink, the national rough sleeper reporting line: (you can also download an app). Tel 0300 500 0914

If the person needs urgent medical attention please dial 999 for an ambulance.

To contact the Indigo Project please call: 01483 302495

To find out more about how you can help the agencies working with rough sleepers:

Homeless Outreach and Support Team

Number Five Nightshelter

Guildford Action Day Service

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