A letter claiming the ousted Tory Guildford Borough Council “demonstrated itself to be a complete shambles” while “undermining central Government planning policies and trust in our democratic system”, has been sent to the Prime Minister by The Wisley Action Group [WAG] and Ockham Parish Council [OPC].
The letter suggests, as the “prospect of an early General Election hovers over Parliament”, Boris Johnson might reflect on some of the key reasons why Tory heartlands such as Guildford suffered a massive swing away from the Conservatives at the May borough elections.
“The defection was largely towards residents’ parties which have emerged in the wake of decisions by Conservative councillors to ignore the party’s manifesto with plans to withdraw green belt status from massive swaths of land in favour of large-scale, inappropriate development,” says the letter, signed by Helen Jefferies of WAG and Malcolm Aish of OPC.
In a clear reference to the owners of green belt land at “Three Farms Meadows”, the former Wisley airfield, the joint letter points to the lack of legal verification and accountability of offshore investors that allow undeclared individuals and companies to hide their true legal status and shareholders.
Mr Aish said: “Our letter is intended to spotlight some of the major failings of the previously Tory-controlled council in Guildford and urges the PM to ensure Conservative councillors across the country adopt a more reasoned and responsible attitude to planning and development following a national policy of genuine green belt protection in any future Conservative party manifesto.”
We have tried to obtain a local Conservative Party response to the announcement from OPC but the invitation was declined. The Conservative Group at GBC has a policy of not communicating with The Guildford Dragon NEWS.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles mgilesdragon@gmail.com
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Jules Cranwell
September 11, 2019 at 9:34 pm
Personally, I’m happy that Cllr Paul Spooner and his chums no longer respond on this site. We get enough vitriolic nonsense from him on Twitter to be going on with.
Winn Rose
September 12, 2019 at 3:22 pm
Protecting the green belt in the UK should be a top government priority. Local councils should not be building or trying to build on green belt land.
We should be protecting it, end of, no exceptions.