Around 200 supporters gathered on Pewley Meadows on Sunday (November 14) to celebrate saving the 37.5 acres of rare chalk grassland on the North Downs.
The land will create a new nature reserve to “preserve the land in perpetuity for wildlife and people” said conservationist, Jonathan Mitchell, one of the group who organised the campaign to buy the land.
See: Pewley Meadows Preserved ‘In Perpetuity’ As Purchase Is Completed
Pewley Down Meadow celebration. Back row from the left includes David Stokes, Bob Bromham, James Herd (Surrey Wildlife Trust), Alan Schuster-Bruce, Jonathan Mitchell, Julia Stephenson, Tony Hall, Sarah Jane Chimbwandira (Surrey Wildlife Trust), Katherine Wilson, John Redpath, Roger Harrington and Ginny Cook. Pupils from Holy Trinity School’s eco group and other children are in the front.
The event, sponsored by Surrey-based NatureMetrics, was organised by the Saving Pewley Meadows group to thank the donors and other supporters of the campaign which had raised more than £1 million in just three weeks to beat off the other potential purchasers in the race to save the land from development.
Pewley Down Fields, now called Pewley Meadows, overlooking Guildford with Holy Trinity School in the foreground of the houses.
The chairman of the campaign, David Stokes, said: “Luckily the weather cleared and we were able to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped to make this project successful, including our lead donor Julia Stephenson.
“Jonathan Mitchell, our group’s conservation expert, was able to give us an insight into the history of the meadows and some of the nail-biting moments leading up to final completion of the sale.
“We were also grateful to Surrey Wildlife Trust’s CEO, Sarah-Jane Chimbwandira, who spoke of the trust’s commitment to making this local beauty spot a real monument to our vision of conservation, education and access.”
The group were joined by Surrey Wildlife Trust, who will manage the land, and teachers and children from partner Holy Trinity Pewley Down School.
A toast to the success of their efforts was raised with local award-winning sparkling wine provided by Pewley Down Vineyards.
Campaign member Ginny Cook said: “The next focus will be to set up the Friends of Pewley Meadows association for everyone who wants to remain involved with the meadows’ evolution.
“More information will be sent out to all donors and interested parties via email and social media.”
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Jim Allen
November 18, 2021 at 12:02 am
Congratulations to those involved.