Fringe Box



Letter: Cycling Safer and More Efficient on the New Road Layout

Published on: 1 Dec, 2020
Updated on: 1 Dec, 2020

From: S Firth

in response to: One-Way Trial for Walnut Tree Close Unsupported By Local Lib Dem Councillors

I cycled to and from the town centre on Sunday using this new road layout and thought it so much better than cycling down Woodbridge Meadows. Much safer and quieter. Also, much better than cycling on the shared and often muddy pedestrian path down by the river.

Cycling provision around the gyratory needs to be urgently improved but this is still a step forward, in my opinion.

I may, in future, choose to pick up family from the west side of the station the few times they may use the train and need picking up during rush hour (oh, to have a good bus service), but considering Screwfix or more importantly the Post Office can be accessed as normal from the other end by the Porsche garage by car then I hope this trial is a success.

I am a minor petrol-head (wish I could afford electric) and love my new car but we certainly need to try something to reduce car usage around our gridlocked town. I will be cycling into the centre more often now, especially with the increased parking charges and because I can get right to the centre.

I suppose the real test will be how popular this is out of the lockdown, I fear more time is needed to evaluate and for us all to get used to (cycle) it.

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Responses to Letter: Cycling Safer and More Efficient on the New Road Layout

  1. Dave Middleton Reply

    December 1, 2020 at 1:45 pm

    Has the road surface on the town bound side of Walnut Tree Close been improved? Last time I cycled into town that way I nearly lost all my fillings bouncing over the potholes, dips and bumps.

    It was like cycling over a ploughed field of tarmac.

    Unless it’s been improved, I’ll be sticking to the towpath, which also takes me all the way to the Town Bridge, avoiding Bridge Street and the gyratory and having to walk my bike through underpasses.

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