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Letter: Did the County Council Impose This Confusion Without a Traffic Flow Simulation?

Published on: 2 Dec, 2020
Updated on: 2 Dec, 2020

From: Martin Elliott

In response to: One-Way Trial for Walnut Tree Close Unsupported By Local Lib Dem Councillors

I wonder if SCC attempted any meaningful simulations of traffic flows before the commencement of the semi-permanent highway modifications.

Social media reports show more extensive disruption than even alluded to by doing commuter drop/pick-up in Guildford Park Road. When I commuted, to leave Farnham Road car park to even get into Guildford Park Road sometimes took nearly an hour.

Who will ensure a fair comparison of the benefits to cyclists, neighbours and (allegedly environment) to the drawbacks to businesses and their customers, commuters, taxis, residents and visitors. What metric can possibly be used?

Who actually makes the decision? There seems to be a lack of agreement on transport between GBC and SCC as demonstrated by the misfire in Bridge Street.

And what actually is the role/responsibility/decision-making of the Guildford Joint Committee. Officially, they meet only four times a year, yet it posts several times a day on social media. So where is the authority?

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Responses to Letter: Did the County Council Impose This Confusion Without a Traffic Flow Simulation?

  1. Laura Brown Reply

    December 2, 2020 at 5:56 pm

    This concept is farcical and while it will stop Walnut Tree Close being at a standstill in both directions, it will force tons of traffic from A25 onto other already heavily congested roads, making matters worse elsewhere.

    People from the north of Guildford have to get to the station somehow.

  2. Ben Paton Reply

    December 4, 2020 at 8:32 am

    Who do SCC Highways work for?

    Not for the public.

    It is hard to find a less accountable organisation.

    Where is the evidence that SCC used? Where is the analysis?

    Traffic statistics should be publicly available. Instead, they are piecemeal, secret and not analysed properly if at all.

    Mr Neogi, a private citizen with expertise in this area, has made a more meaningful and valuable contribution to road traffic design debate that the whole of SCC put together.

    The design of local government is dysfunctional and corrupt.

    • Robert Burch Reply

      December 5, 2020 at 8:38 pm

      Has Mr Paton asked SCC for its analysis?

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