By Bill Stokoe
Chair, Guildford Vision Group
A great number of people enjoyed Guildford’s fine heritage sites and attractions during last weekend’s Heritage Festival. Many of us involved consider the huge volume of visitors, many of them residents, made this year’s event one of the most successful.
And there are lessons to be drawn from the Heritage experience. As councillors draw up the terms of reference for the town centre masterplan, called for under the motion passed at the recent council meeting, maybe they should bear this experience in mind.
I was a guide at Abbot’s Hospital and people I spoke to, including residents, were really taken by what Guildford had to offer. In a relatively easy-to-tour space they had the opportunity to explore and experience a wide variety of the great things that form our town’s story. And it is quite a story.
To the Heritage trail one can also add the attractions of our green belt and AONB setting, which themselves have interesting tales to tell, eg the Pilgrims’ Way and life in Saxon times.
Let’s develop this in a comprehensive strategy and plan for the town centre.
Guildford Vision has long called for a town centre masterplan. We continue to do so. We have offered an example, see the GVG website.
The GVG plan has been a rallying point, and something of a polarising influence, particularly for those who don’t like one of its central infrastructure proposals.
The GVG new east-west crossing, now possibly stymied by the Solum development, has been characterised by the less enthusiastic as a viaduct, flyover and four-lane highway, suggesting too much of a car-centric approach.
On the contrary, the design is very much people-centric.
The crossing is the great enabler. It delivers so many benefits to visitors and residents alike. It takes traffic away from the centre and allows the riverside to be opened up. It makes wider pedestrianisation possible, along with joined-up cycleways.
It delivers a better route for people between the High Street, North Street and the railway station, plus a much better transport hub.
To all these benefits can be added access to our heritage and surrounding countryside attractions. So, as the brief for the masterplan consultancy is drawn up, let’s keep heritage, countryside and access to both firmly in mind.
The masterplan should not just be improving access to the retail offering, but should enhance Guildford’s many and varied exciting venues, displaying our town as a much more attraction-rich destination, a better day out, than that offered by neighbouring towns.
Turn the negatives of gap town, river barrier and hilly setting into positives. Promote a day out along the riverside. Celebrate the wider pedestrianisation as improving access to our heritage and not just the retail centres and nightlife, important as they may be.
Guildford railway station should be a modern transport hub, giving immediate and easy access to cycle trails and great countryside walks.
Let’s avoid piecemeal. Let’s get the council planners to design a comprehensive scheme so all this joins up.
This website is published by The Guildford Dragon NEWS
Contact: Martin Giles
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Mike Forster
September 24, 2019 at 3:40 pm
Quite right Guildford has lots to offer and a visionary master plan is an absolute necessity. Well done GVG for your dogged perseverance and I await with great hopes for such a plan to be presented for comment and ultimately moving forward with proposals that the town will be proud of.
Alistair Smith
September 24, 2019 at 3:45 pm
As one of the supporters of the Heritage Weekend, The Guildford Society (GSoC) welcomes Bill Stokoe enjoyment and support for the weekend, especially its ability to showcase Guildford and Environs.
The recent Casino Appeal highlighted the town’s heritage when it was re-stated that Rodboro Buildings is potentially the first purpose-built car factory in the world.
The council has now committed to producing a Masterplan/Vision for the Town Centre. GSoC believe this needs be proceeded with urgently so we have the policies in place to protect our heritage alongside building new sustainable and appealing areas in the town centre.
Nils Christiansen
September 26, 2019 at 10:40 am
Well said GVG. This should be the whole point of a masterplan. Not just where and what do we build, but rather setting out a concept in words and pictures of how Guildford will look and feel in 10-15 years time.
A key document which will inspire residents, be used as a yardstick against which to measure development plans, and a tool to guide and prioritise council projects. In short, a vision for Guildford.