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Letter: Help the Guildford Society Influence Transport Policy

Published on: 1 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 1 Sep, 2024

From Barry Williams

Secretary to the Transport Group, Guildford Society

The Guildford Society shares the views of Dragon correspondents but rather than a train we believe there is a need to explore a Mass Transit System for the borough to help support development sustainably and support the economic vibrancy of Guildford borough.

In 2022 we produced our  “ Manifesto for Change “ which advocates a Transport Strategy for Guildford and supports the idea of battery hybrid tram-train to run along the Downs Link to Cranleigh. (See our website: and open up the download pdf from Page 34 onwards.)

A battery-hybrid service could operate out of Guildford Station using power drawn from  mainline third rail and then at Peasmarsh Junction switch to battery power so avoiding the need for third rail or overhead cable power on the Downs Link  section. The original track bed is wide enough to install a new track and to retain the long distance footpath.

At the southern end a link might be established to Dunsfold Park and at the northern end continue on from Guildford to the  proposed Guildford West and Guildford East rail stations and perhaps beyond to serve the Wisley Airfield housing development via Effingham Junction.

We would not expect a tram-train to replace bus links but it could help remove traffic from the A281, a road which is expected to see increased traffic flows through Guildford at peak hours once the Dunsfold Park site is completed.

This would also reduce traffic pollution and benefit air quality. A tram-train should be seen as part of a wider integrated transport programme for Guildford, to include active travel links, trains, buses, on demand buses, park and ride, town centre parking, combination ticketing.

We are currently updating our 2022 document to reflect policy and other changes at local, county and national level. We welcome comment and opinions from the local communities to assist in our re-drafting.  (Comments may be made via our website link:

As we look forward to celebrating the society’s 90th anniversary in 2025 may I also make a plea to Dragon readers to consider joining the Guildford Society and helping support our activities. We also welcome those with specialist skills to support our work groups.

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Responses to Letter: Help the Guildford Society Influence Transport Policy

  1. Stephen Spark Reply

    September 2, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Excellent ideas – though conception to realisation is a long and hard struggle up an adverse gradient!

    Some years ago the Surrey Advertiser ran a story about a modern metro system for Guildford. It did make some sort of sense. But, being the Surrey Ad, it was just an April fool.

    Genuine proposals for tram systems have been mooted for Guildford and district for over 120 years. Unfortunately, the longstanding Surrey County Council prejudice against railways has stymied clean, efficient, transport solutions of this kind. Unless someone can bang sense into SCC – not least an awareness of the urgent need for solutions to deal with climate change, air pollution and congestion – these problems will only get worse, as will people’s health outcomes (bearing in mind that the effects of today’s toxic air will manifest in 20 years’ time).

    Surrey is, above all, a county of complacency. It needs a reality check.

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