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Letter: I am Relieved That Councillor Parker Has ‘Resigned’

Published on: 28 Aug, 2019
Updated on: 28 Aug, 2019

Cllr Susan Parker

From David Bilbe

Conservative borough councillor for Normandy and former lead councillor

I really do wonder if this “resignation” is news.

My view is that the councillor in question has been totally disappointing since being elected and has failed to secure the working cooperation which is vital to being effective.

I cannot think of one motion idea or proposal which has gained any momentum or added to the good of Guildford and its future. All we have heard is how the Local Plan is so bad and needs to be stopped by whatever means and that the Conservatives are driving the wrong agenda.

Apparently, they are propping up the Lib Dem party in its minority. I can assure residents that I am not. Also, councillors do not vote with conscience. They vote on facts, information and good analysis.

Maybe I am wrong, but personally I am relieved that the councillor is not on the decision making body of the council.

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Responses to Letter: I am Relieved That Councillor Parker Has ‘Resigned’

  1. Lisa Wright Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 8:14 am

    I have met Cllr Bilbe many times and we have always been polite and friendly but on this occasion I really must pull him up on two very badly used words. Disappointing and not being effective could also be used to describe ‘The Village’ fiasco.

    Whatever one’s politics, respect must be given for someone who is passionate about their role. I fear the reason that Cllr Parker’s motions do not regularly come to fruition is that most of GBC has no intention of looking after our countryside, environment, air, and so on, and is blinded by the dollar signs of developers.

    Why else would such disrespect be shown to our planet?

    As a footnote, the best performing teams always consist of a range of varying personalities, desires and expertise, this ensures that they do not stagnate through ‘group think’ and perform effectively to find the best solutions.

  2. David Bilbe Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 10:04 am

    I have the advantage of experiencing performance of councillors and meetings first hand which Lisa Wright does not. I can see her tendency and bias towards the “resigned” councillor, so that is hardly a surprise.

    The Village has nothing to do with the Local Plan but if that is her attempt to discredit then it really says all about her balanced approach to things. The Village was an earnest attempt to do something interesting for Guildford and try with full democratic decision making and authority to add to our town.

    Using that attempt, which was approved by the council, to somehow justify the performance of another councillor is risible. It is the oldest one in the book to raise a matter which is not central to justify another point of view.

    I thought Ms Wright was better than that sort of irrelevant approach but I am wrong, it would seem Perhaps she might list the top three initiatives, without treading on any legal minefields yourself, how councillor Parker’s performance is worth noting.

    I may have missed something but I am sure you will educate me and others without resorting to irrelevant matters.

    David Bilbe is the Conservative borough councillor for Normandy

  3. David Bilbe Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 10:22 am

    Are you also saying that councillors do not care for the environment because of money? Please do be specific on this because I am not aware of anyone conducting themselves in that way. It is unreasonable to make wise accusations without fact and specificity to substantiate. Looks like cheap point-scoring otherwise.

    David Bilbe is the Conservative borough councillor for Normandy

    • Jules Cranwell Reply

      September 10, 2019 at 1:45 pm

      Clearly they don’t, or the majority would not persist with the Tory Local Plan, which will be ruinous for the environment.

      Have the Tories learned nothing from the election result?

  4. Alastair Lawson Reply

    August 29, 2019 at 5:09 pm

    As a Normandy resident, represented by Cllr Bilbe at borough level, I would prefer him to focus on more important things than belittling, publicly, a fellow councillor before the due review process has been completed. Poor judgement in my view.

  5. Robert Burch Reply

    September 9, 2019 at 7:04 pm

    Whilst Cllr Parker may have been a thorn in the side of GBC, it is worth remembering that:
    – she was re-elected in May with an 80% increase in the GGG majority over the Conservatives
    – 22 Conservative councillors lost their seats
    – Cllr Bilbe was one of the few Conservatives re-elected, with a 90% reduction in his majority over the second-placed party (2019 Lib Dems, 2015 GGG)

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