From John Armstrong
In response to: This Is a Stark Climate Emergency, So Where’s the Radical Action?
I am not quite sure just what Hugh Coakley expects politicians to do by way of emergency action to combat climate change. Perhaps GBC could close the A3 for three days a week, would that be radical enough?
Few people would deny that climate change is happening. The contention is why? If one believes that CO2 is the culprit then the only answer to that is to reduce it; but how long would that take and would we like to crash the economy in the process?
Some have suggested that we could sprinkle the stratosphere with tin foil to reflect sunlight, that’s quite radical. Problem with that is the next Ice Age and you can’t get it back down again.
We are, as I understand it, approaching a new Solar Minimum. So what would be normal solar activity which would give us at worst a few cold winters could turn into a permanent ice age; the foil effect being the tipping point.
Not all accept the CO2 theory. China takes a different view. They have in any case been given Carte Blanche to burn as much fossil fuel as their growing economy demands and I think India has similar dispensation. It is only we in the West who are hysterical over it. We seem to have developed self-flagellation into a fine art.
China has climate records going back over a thousand years which reveal hot and cold periods. Science has ice core samples over millions of years which show that the Earth is more often ice age cold that it is warm. We have been living in a warm period since the last Ice Age; it is not going to last. Unless, of course, we pump more CO2 into the atmosphere; wouldn’t that be a turn up?
One big worry is that politicians seem to listen to these radical groups in a way that they do not listen to the electorate. They do not appear to do any research themselves or check the data they are fed but listen instead to advisers who usually have a bee in their bonnet on the subject.
Now it has been suggested that we convene a Peoples Assembly to take the decision out of politicians hands. I have to say that I do not have much faith in politicians, but a Peoples Assembly? Who would they be then? What type of person would volunteer? I can see it now, a crush of Warmists, Vegans, Vegi’s, Momentum, Communists, Lib Dems and other left-wingers.
If politicians in lieu of deep thought would seek a guru upon who’s words to hang; they might do worse than charter a flight to Delphi. They might come across a spaced out priestess.
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