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Letter: Many People Are Uncertain Who to Vote for at This Election

Published on: 11 Dec, 2019
Updated on: 11 Dec, 2019

From Tony Rooth

For me, Anne Milton stands out with her 14 years of experience as an MP, local knowledge, compassionate and helpful attitude.

She really knows her stuff and understands the views of residents, students, business and our communities as the recent hustings and interviews show.

You may not always agree with her views but Ms Milton has a real commitment to doing the best for Guildford, Cranleigh and our villages.

My views on her challengers are not personal but, regrettably, political and I say remember ABC…

ABC Anybody but Corbyn. Labour has gone far too left and Jeremy Corbyn is a real liability;

ABC Anti-Brexit Completely. However you voted, the Lib Dems’ campaign is almost wholly focused on Remain and, originally, Jo Swinson as PM; and

ABC Anybody But Conservatives.

Boris Johnson claims he is a “One Nation“ Conservative but he is really a con man who can’t be trusted.

He is a showman but he is not a “One Nation“ Conservative who, I believe, do represent a moderate, honest, decent, broad-minded and socially inclusive attitude.

But Mr Johnson and his sidekicks such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and Michael Gove have driven the Conservative Party into a hard-right-wing, nationalist, anti-foreigner party interested in really only one issue.

Many promises for the future if and when Brexit gets done but some just reverse cuts made since 2009. For example, the promise of an extra 20,000 police reflects only 20,000 police cuts made during the “age of austerity”.

At this election, for the first time, I will not vote Conservative.  I never thought I would say this as a party member for nearly 50 years and Conservative councillor for 15 years.

I  support Anne Milton. Who you vote for is entirely up to you. But I suggest you perhaps think about future generations as well as the present.

Tony Rooth is a Guildford borough councillor but is writing in a personal capacity.

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