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Letter: Revoking Article 50 Is Not the Answer

Published on: 20 Dec, 2018
Updated on: 20 Dec, 2018

John Perkins

In response to: How To Deliver Brexit

There were always many reasons people voted to leave the EU, but that doesn’t mean they’re divided; all Leavers agree that the UK is better off out. Those “small bands” still number millions.

Given the importance of the matter, surely it’s only right and proper that it should have the full attention of the country, even to the detriment of other issues.

Yes, our politicians have failed us, at least in part because some of them believe more in themselves than in democracy. Their biggest dereliction is in not controlling their bureaucrats, allowing them to impose their own view. Such people are paid to do as they are asked, not to steer the debate.

Politicians and bureaucrats have had two and a half years in which to manage a deal and yet until a few days ago made no attempt to do so. Failure to achieve anything amounts to either monumental incompetence or deceit. All their efforts have gone into giving away their advantages and then claiming that they have no choice left. It’s not true and never was.

Parliament voting to revoke Article 50 might bring it disrepute and probably succeed in deepening divisions in the country, causing us all harm. Moreover, it would still leave the UK facing the same problem at the end of whatever new period was set. (Unless it was used as a means to stay in permanently, though perish the thought that anyone in our democracy might consider such a betrayal.)

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