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Letter: Shouldn’t Taxes Benefit the UK Population?

Published on: 2 Sep, 2024
Updated on: 2 Sep, 2024

Zöe Franklin and the introduction to the Government’s website page on the Winter Fuel Allowance

From Anthony Mallard

In response to: Guildford MP To Back Her Party’s Push for Review of Winter Fuel Payment Cut

Many of the pensioners who will no longer receive the winter fuel payment have been taxpayers all their working lives.

Since the freezing of tax thresholds they may still be making a contribution to UK society through taxation. Surely, they have an expectation that the taxes they pay will be put, by government, to use first for the benefit of the population of the UK.

I don’t know how much overall the government will save by removing this benefit but it tells us it has to do so to contribute to the “black hole” the Conservatives left. All well and good so far but how much does the government spend on weapons for Israel or on Ukraine and how much of UK taxpayers money is spent on overseas aid, economic migrants or EU legacy payments?

How many other monetary benefits are provided to overseas countries other than for proven humanitarian assistance. Why are the poorest and pensioners being penalised when, I suspect, no examination of the many other areas of government financial spend have been ignored.

We can ignore the Labour Party’s “dead cat strategy” of banning smoking outside pubs. The public’s not daft and this is only intended to distract us from the important issue of targeting pensioners’ winter fuel payments and other punitive issues in the forthcoming budget.

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Responses to Letter: Shouldn’t Taxes Benefit the UK Population?

  1. Roger Kendall Reply

    September 2, 2024 at 5:01 pm

    Anthony Mallard’s comments suggest that overseas aid and weapons for Ukraine should be cut. Ukraine is fighting for its life and democracy.

  2. John Perkins Reply

    September 4, 2024 at 10:19 am

    Weapons are sold to Israel and the government profits from that.

  3. Jim Allen Reply

    September 4, 2024 at 4:56 pm

    The bigger picture in Ukraine war is a terrible double threat for the Ukrainian people.

    One is the willingness of the world arms industry to make a profit by encouraging the Ukrainians to keep fighting. I would not want to live in Ukraine while Russia and world arms industry see it as a testing ground for new methods of war.

    The second threat is that if Ukrainians stop fighting they would suffer at the hands of poorly disciplined, vengeful Russians who do not believe Ukraine is a sovereign country denying Ukrainians the chance to de-corrupt their country in their own way, not as slaves of hateful Russians.

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